Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each P ER s o N diffincily. [41 t j fefíion ufe him kindly, and.honoùt him, if he dwell not in them bypow- er, where (hall tby appear, who oppofe and affront him? The fcripture tells us, that unlers the Spiritof Chrift be in us, we are dead, we are re- probates, we are none of Chrift's'; without him, you can have none of thefe glorious effeëts of his towards believers before -mentioned; andyou are fo far from enquiring vofiether he be in you or no, as that you are ready to deride them in whom he is. Are there none whoprofefs the gofpel, who have never once feriouffy enquired, whether they are made partakers of the Holy Ghoft, or no? You that alinoft account it a ridicu- lous thing to be put upon any filch queftiön ; who look on all men as vain pretenders, that talk of the Spirit; the Lord awake fitch men to a fight of their condition, before it be too late. If the Spirit dwell not in you, if he be not your Comforter; neither is God your Father, nor the Son your Advocate, nor have you any por }ion in the gof el.. O that God would awake fome poor foul to the confideration of this thing; before the negleft and contempt of the Holy Ghoft come to that de- fpifing of him, from which there is no recovery. That the Lord would fpread before them all the folly of their hearts, that they may be afhamed, and confounded, and do no more prefumptuoufly. ®F