PREFACE. HAT the doctrine of originalfin, is one of the fundamental truths ofour chrian profeon, hath been always ownedin the church of God. And an efpecial part it is of that peculiar poffefon of truth, which they enjoy, whole religion towards God is built upon, and refolved into divine revelation. As the world by its wifdom never knew God aright, fo the wife men ofit werealways utterly ignorant of this in- bred evil in themfelves and others. With us, the doctrine and conviction of it, lye in the very foundati- on of all wherein we have to do with God, in reference unto our pleatingofhim here, or the obtaining theenjoy - ment of himhereafter. It is alfo known what influence it hath into the great truths concerning theperfon of Chrifl, his mediation, thefruits and efects of it, with all the benefits that we are madepartakers of thereby. Without afuppofition of it, not any of them can be tru- ly known, orfavinglybelieved. For this caufe bath it been largely treated of by many holy and learned men, bothof oldand oflatter days. Some have laboured in the dfcovery of its nature, fome ofitsguilt anddemerit; by whom alfo the truth concerning it hathbeen vindica- ted from the oppofition made unto it, in the pall and prefent ages. Bymofl the things have been confidered in theirfull extent and latitude, with rfpeft unto all men by nature, with the eftate and condition of them who are wholly under the power andguilt of it. How thereby menare d(enabled and incapacitated in them- felves to anfwer the obedience required either in the law, or the Gofpel, fo as to free themfelves from the curie of the one, or to make themfelves partakers of the blefftng of the other, bath been by many afofully evinced. Moreover, that there are remainders of it abiding in believers after their regeneration and con- verfion