Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

P R E F a C E. verfion toGod, as thefcripture abundantly teflifaes, fo it bath beenfully taught and confirmed ; as afo how the guilt of it is pardoned unto them, and by what means the power of it is weakened in them. All thefe things I fay have been largely treated on, to thegreat edification of the church. In what we have now in defign, we therefore take them allforgranted, and en- deavour only farther to carry on the dfcoveryof it in its agings and oppofitions to the law andgrace of God in believers. Neither do I intend the difcuffing of any thing that hath been controverted about it. What the fcripture plainly revealeth and teacheth concerning it, what believers evidently find by experience in them- felves, what they may learnfrom the examples and ac- knowledgments ofothers, Ball be reprefented in a way fuitedunto the capacity of the meaneft andweakel,who as concerned therein. And many things feem to render the handling ofit at this feafon, not unneceffary. The effells andfruits of it, which wefee in the apoflacies and backflidings of many, thefcandalous finsand mij carriages offöme, and the courfe and lives of the moll, feem to call for a due confideration of it. Be- fides of how great concernment a full and clear ac- quaintance with the power of this Indwelling Sin (the matter defgned to be opened) is unto believers, to fir them up to watchfulnfs and diligence, to faith and prayer, to call them to repentance, humility, and felf- abafement, will appear in our progrefs. Thefe in general were the ends aimedat in the enfuing d(courfe, which being at firfl compofed and deliveredfor the ufe and benefit of a few, is now by theprovidence of God made publick. And if the Reader receive any ad- vantage by the e weak endeavours, let him know that it is his duty, as togive glory unto God, fo to help them by his prayers, who in many temptations and affligions are willing to labour in the vineyard of the Lord, unto which work they are called. T H E