T H E Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency Of the REMAINDERS Of INDWELLING SINOcc. ps`.iWRCc5cv 14EMEZW ftsYl,g?igaéMMLRW?Kat. CHAP. I. Indwelling Sin in Believers treated of by the 4- poftle, Rom. vii. 2I. The Place explained. T is of Indwelling Sin, and that in the remainders of it in perfons after their convection to God, with its power, efficacy and effects, that we intend to treat. This alfo is thegreat detign of the apoftle, to mani- fefl and evince in chap. vii. of the epiftle to the Romans. Many indeed are the contefls about the principal fcope of the apoftle in that chapter, and in what fiate the perfon is, under the law, or under grace, whole condition he expreffeth therein. I Ihall not at pee lent enter into that difpute, but take that for granted, which may be undeniably proved and evinced ; namely, That it is the Eeeee con-