Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

386 The NATURE and POWER condition of a regenerate perfon, with refpeet unta the remaining power of indwelling fin, which is there propofed, and exemplified by and in the perfon of the apoftle himfelf, In that difcourfe therefore of his, fhall the foundation be laid of what we have to offer upon this fubjeft. Not that I (hall proceed in an expolion of his revelation of this truth, as it byes in its own contexture, but only make ufe of what is delivered by him, as occafion (hall offer itfelf." And here, Fisfi Occurreth, that which he affirms, ver. 21. I find then a law, that when I would do good, evil is prefent with me. There ate four things obfervable in theft words. i. the appellation he gives unto indwelling fin, whereby he expreffeth its power and efficacy, it is a law. For that which he terms a law in this verfe, he calls in the foregoing, Sin that dwelleth in him. 2. The way whereby he came to the difcovery of this law, not abfolutely, and in its own nature, but in himfelf, he found it ; I find a law. 3. The frame of his foul and inward man with this law of fin, and under its difcovery, he would do good. 4. The flare and aftivity of his law, when the foul is in that frame, when it would do good, evil is prefent with him. For what ends'and purpofes we (hall (hew afterwards: I. The heft thing obfervable is the compellation here ufed by the apoftle, he calls indwelling fin, a law ; it is a law. A law is taken either properly, for a directive rule; or improperly, for an operative, effedive, principle, which feems to have the force of a law. In its firlt fenfe, it isá moral rule which directs and commands, and fundry ways moves and regulates the mind, and the will, as to the things which it requires, or forbids. This is evidently the general nature and work of a law. Some things, it commands, fume things it forbids, with rewards and penalties, which move and impel then to do the one, and avoid the other. Hence in a fecondary fettle, an inward principle, that moves and enclines conftantly unto any aftions, is called a law. The principle that is in the nature of every thing, moving and carrying it towards its own end and reff, is called the law of nature. In this refpeft every inward principle that inclineth and urgethunto operations, or altings fuitabieto it- felf, is a law. So Rom. viii. 2. The powerful and effeftual working of the fpirit and grace of Chrift, in the hearts of believers, is called the law of the fpirit off life. And for this reafon dotlí the apoftle here call indwelling fn a law. It is a powerful and effeftual indwelling principle, inclining and preffing unto aftions agreeble and fuitable unto its own na- ture. This and no other is the intention of the apoftle in this expreffion.. For although that term, a law, may foinetimes intend a flare and condition, and if here fo ufed, the meaning of the words Ihould be, I find that this is my condition, this is the flare of things with me, that when Iwould do good, evil is prefent with me, which makesno great alteration in the principal intendment of the place; yet properly it can denote nothing here, but the chief fubjeft treated of. For although the name of a law, be varioufly ufed by the apoftle in this chapter ; yet when it relates unto fin, it is no where applyed' by him to the condition of the perfon, but on- ly to exprefs either the nature, or the power of fin itfelf : fo ver. 23. I fee another law in my members, warring againfl the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity unto the law of fin, which is in my members. That which he here calls the law of his mind, from the principal fubjeft and feat of it, is in itfelf no other but the lam of the fpirit of life, which -r-v /.:a/ f ,r ,'.z ."' k /_% .c k