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gfINDWEL LING SIN. 387 fc in Chilli Jefet, chap. viii. 2. Or the effeetual power of the fpitit of grace, as was faid. But the law as applyed unto fin, hath a double fenfe ; for as in the fide place, .Ifee a law in my members, denotes the being and nature of fin ; fo in the latter, Leading into . captivity to the law offin which is in my members, fignifies its power and efficacy. And both thefe are comprifed in the fame name Tingly ufed, v. 20. Now that which we obferve from this naine, or term ofa law, attributed unto fin. Is; Obferv. I. That there is an exceeding efficacy and power, in the remainders of indwelling fin in believers, with a confiant working to- wards evil. Thus it is in believers, 'tis a law even in them, though not to them. Though its rule be broken, its ftrength weakned and impaired, its root mortified, yet it is a law ftill of great force and efficacy. There where 'tis least felt, it is molt powerful. Carnal men, in reference unto fpiritual and moral duties, are nothing but this law, they do nothing but from it, and by it. It is in them a ruling and prevailing principle of all moral I allions, with reference unto a fupernatural and eternal end. {hall not confider it in them, in whom it hath moli power, but in them, in whom its power is chiefly difcovered and difcerned, that is, in believers ; in the others only in order to the farther convifiion and manifeftation thereof. a The apoftle propofeth the way whereby he difcovered this law in himfelf, iaerove .7.ìr ,o'uav, I find then, or therefore, a law. He found it ; it had beentold him there was filch a law, it had been preached unto him. This convinced him, that therewas a law of fin. But it is one thing for a man to know in general, that there is a law of fin: Another thing for a man to have an experience of the power of this lawof fin in himfelf. It is preached to all; all men that own the fcripture acknowlege it, as being declared therein; but they are but few that know it in themfelves, we fhould elfe have more complaints of it thanwe have, and more con- tendings against it, and lefs fruits of it in the world. But this is that which the apoftle affirms; not that the doltrine of it had been preached unto him, but that he found it by experience in himfelf. Ifind a law; I have experience of his power and efficacy. For a man to find his fickpefs and danger thereon from its effects, is another thing than to hear a difcourfe about a difeafe from its caufes. And this experience is the great prefervativeof all divine truths in the foul. This it is to know a thing indeed, in reality, to know it 'for our felves, when as we are taught it from the word, fo we find it in our felves. Hence we obferve, Ohferv. II. Believers have experience of the power and efficacy of in- dwelling fin. They find it in themfelves, they find it as a law. It bath a felfeviden- ring efficacy to them that are alive to difcern it: they that find not its power, are under its dominion. Whofoever contend againft it, Thall know and find, that it is prefent with them, that it is powerful in them, He fhall find the dream to be firong, who fwims ágainfi it, though he who mulls along with it, be infenfible of it. 3. The general frame of believers notwithftanding the inhabitation of this law of fin, is Isere alfo exprefled. They would do good. This law is prefent, 8(Àosn It or woiÉ41, ii xaTcv. The habitual inclination of their will is unto good. This law in them is not a law unto them, as it is to unbelievers. They are notwholly obnoxious to its power, nor morally Onto its commands: grace bath the fovereignty in their fouls; this gives them a will unto good; they would do good, that isalways, and confiantly, t yehn