Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

(INDWELLING SIN. ßóy [2.] Unto the fecond, or the actual willing of this or that good in particular, unto this, when I would do good, is oppofed the prefence of this law, evil is prefent with we, ,rxo,ievr , pot SÓ ,wnì, evil is at hand and ready to oppofe the actual accomplifhment of the good aimed at. Whence, Obferv. IV. Indwelling fin iseffeftually operative in rebelling and incli- ning to evil, when the will of doing good is in a particular manner afive, and inclining unto obedience. And this is thè defcription of him who is a believer, and. a finner, as every one who is the former, he is the latter alfo. Thefe are the con- trary principles and the contrary operations that are in him. The prin- ciples are a will ofdoinegood on the one hand, fromgrace; and a law of fin on the other. Their adverfe adings and operations are infinuatcd in chofe expreffions, when I would do good, evil is prefent with me: And thefe bothare more fully expreffed by the apofile, Gal. v. 17. For thefleJh lufieth againfl the fpirit, and the fpirit a nfi the fiefs, and thefe are con- trary the one to the other ; fothat I canainotdo the things that Iwould. And here lies the fprings of the whole courfe of our obedience. An acquaintance with thefe feveral principles, and their aftings, is the prin- cipal part of our wifdom. They are, upon the matter, next to the free grace of God in bur juftification by the blood of Chriff, the only things wherein the glory of God and our own fouls are concerned. Thefe are the fprings ofour laolinefs, and our fins, ofour joys and troubles, of our refrefhments and forrows. It is then all our concernments to be through- ly acquainted with thefe things, who intend to walk with God, or to glorify him in thisworld. And hence we may fee what wifdom is required, in the guiding and management of our hearts and ways before God. Where the fubjeftsof a ruler are in fewds and oppofitions one againft another, unlefs great wif- dom be ufed in the government of thewhole, all things will quickly be ruinous in that ftate. There are thefe contrary principles in the hearts of believers, and if they labour not to be fpiritually wife, how (hall they be_able to fteer their courfe aright ? Many, men live in thedark to themfelves all their days; what ever elfe they know, they know not themfelves. They know their outward eftates, how rich they are, and the condition oftheir bodies -as to health and ficknefs they are careful to examine; but as to their inward man, and their principles as to God and eternity, they know little or nothing of themfelves. Indeed few- labour to grow wife in this matter, few ftudy themfelves as they ought, are acquainted withthe evil of their own hearts as theyought, on which yet thewholecourfe of theirobedience, and confequently oftheir eternal condition,.cloth depend. This therefore is our wifdom,and it isa needful wifdom; ifwe have anydeign topleafe God, or to avoid thatwhich is a provocation to the eyesof his glory. We flail find alfo in our inquiry hereinto, what diligence and watch- fulnefs is required unto a chriftian converfation. There is a conftant enemy unto it in every one's own Heart : and what an enemy it is we shall after- wards Phew, for this is our defign to difcover fin to the uttermoft. In the mean time we may well bewail the woful cloth and negligence that is in the molt, evenofprofeffors. They live.and walk as though they intend- ed to go to heaven hood-winkt, and afleep, as though they had no enemy to deal withal. Their miftake therefore and folly will he fully laid open in our progrefs. That which I all principally fix upon, in reference unto our prefent defigp, from this place of the apoftle, is that which was firft laid down; namely, Tiiat there is an exceeding efficacy and power in tlr asaniiid.'r Fffff -