P`- 390 The NATvuEdndPowyR of indwelling fin in believers, with a confiant inclination and working towards evil. g Awake therefore, all ofyou in whofe hearts are any thing of theways of . God. Yourenemy is not only upon you, as on Sampfon ofold, but is in you allo. He is at work by all ways of force and craft, as we shall fee. Would you not dilhonour God and his Golpe!, would you not fcandalize the faints andways of God, would you not wound your confciences, and en- danger your fouls, would you not grieve the good and holy fpirit of God, the uehor of all your comforts; would you keep your garments undefiled, and efcape the woful temptations and pollutions of the days wherein we live; would you be preferved from the numbersof the apoftates in thefe latter days ? Awake to theconfideration ofthis curfed enemy, ,which is the fpring at all theft and innumerable other evils, as alto of the ruin of all the fouls that perilla in this world. 443000,04130004014MiP01.4.1ki' iciliso*OliP*Iis*044MiFPID*411204.1i3041M. CHAP.II. Indwellingfan a Law. Inwhatfenfe it isfo called. What kind of Law it is. !In inward efetlive principle called a Law. The power offin thence evinced. HA T which we have propofed unto confideration is the power and efficacy of indwelling fin. The ways where- by it may be evinced are many. I Ihall begin with the appellationof it. In the place before mentioned, it is á law; I finda law, faith the apofile. It is becaufe of its power and efficacy that it is focalled; fo is alfo the principle ofgrace inbelievers the law of thefpirit oflife, aswe abler ved before, Rom. viii. 3. which is the exceeding greatnefs ofthe power of God in them, Fphef. i. 19. Where there is a law, there is power. We thall therefore thew both. what belongs unto it, as it is a law in ge- neral, and allo what is peculiar or proper in it, as being fuch a law as we have defcribed. There are in general two things attending every law, as loch. Fill?, Dominion, Rom. vii. I. The lawhath dominion over a man whiff, he liveth; notwitc 'eB ,i0kn au, it lordetb it over a man. Where any law takes place, rwpiedrn, it hath dominion. It is properly the aft of a fuperioor, and it belongs to its nature to exaci obedience by way of dominion. Now there is a two-fold dominion, as there is a twofold law. There is a moral authoritative dominion over a man, and there is a real effettive dominion in a than. The Firfi isan affeetionof the law ofGod, the latter of the law of fin. The law of fin hath not in it felf a moral dominion, it bath not a rightful dominion or authority over any man, but it bath that which is equivalent "r/7u-?-+,tgnf