Of INDWELLING SIN.' 393 Now from this confiderationof it, that it is'an indwelling law, inclining and moving to fin, as an inward habit or principle, it bath fundry advan- tages increafing its ftrength and farthering its power. As, (i.) Italways abides in the foul, it is never abfent. 'The apoftle twice ufeth that expreffion, itdwelletli in me. There is itsconfiant refidence andhabitati= on. If it came upon the foul only at certain feafons, Much obedience be perfectly accomplifhed in its abfence. Yea, and as theydeal with ufur- ping tyrants, whom they intend to thruft out of a city, the gates might be fometimes Phut againft it, thatit might not return. The foul might for- tify it felfagainft it. But the foul is its home, there it dwells, and is no wanderer. Where ever you are, whatever you are about, this law of fin is always in you. In the beft that you do, and in the worft. Men little confider what a dangerous companion is always at homewith them. When they are in-company, when alone, by night or by day, all is one, fin is with them. There is a living coal continually in their houfes, which if it be not lookedunto, will fire them,and it may be confume them. O the woful fecurityof poor fouls ! How lisle dothemoft ofmen thinkof this inbreadene- my, that is never from home I How little for the molt part doth the watchful- nefs ofany profelfors anfwer the danger of their ftate and condition. (a.) It isalways ready to apply itfelf to everyend and purpofethat it ferves unto. It doth not only dwell in me, faith the apoftle, but when I would do good, it is prefent with me : There is fomewhat more in that exprefli- on, then sneer indwelling. An inmate may dwell in an houfe, and yet not be always medling with. what the good man ofthe houfe hath todo, that fo we may keep to theallufionof indwelling, ufed by the apoftle. But it isfo with this law,-it dothfo dwell in us, as that it will be prefent with us in every thing wedo. yea, oftentimes when with molt easmreftnefs we defire to be quit of it, with 'molt violence it will put it felf upon us: When I would do good, it is prefent with one. Would you pray, would you Bear, would yougive alms, would you meditate, would you be in any duty aging faithon God, and love towards him, would you work righteoufnefs, would you raft temptations, this troublefome perplexing indweller will hill snore or lefs put it felf upon you, and be prefent with you; fo that you cannot per fe&ly and compleatly accomplifh the thing that is good, as our apoftle fpeaks, ver. r8. Sometimes men by hearkning to their temptations do flit up,: ex- cite and provoke their lofts; and no wonder if then they find them prefent and active. But it will be fo, when with all our endeavours we labour to be free from them. This law of fin dwells in us, that is, it adheres as a depraved principle unto our minds in darknefs, and vanityunto our affections in fenfuality, unto ourwills, in a loathingof, and averfation from that which is good, and by.fome, more, or of all thefe, is continually put- ing. it felf upon us, in inclinations, motions, or fuggeftions to evil, when we would be molt gladly quit of it. (3.) It being an indwelling law, it applies it felfto its work with great facility and eafinefs, like the fin that doth fo eafily befet us, Heb. xü. T. It hath a great facilt and eafinefs in the application of it felf unto its work ; it needs no doors to be opened unto it, it needs no engines to work by. The foul cannot apply it felf to any duty of a man, but it muff be by the exercife of thefe faculties wherein- this law hath its refidence. Is the underftanding or the mind to be applied unto any thing ? there it is in ignorance, darknefs, vanity, folly, inadnefs. Is the will to be engaged? There it is alfo in fpiritual.deadnefs, ftubbornefs, and the roots of obffi- nacy. Is the heart and affections to be fet on work, there it is in incli- nations to the world, and prefent things, and fenfuality, with pronenefs Ggggg to