Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

394 The NATURE and Pow ER to all manner of defilements? Hence it is eafy for it to intimate it Self into all that we do, and to binder all that is good, and to further all fin and wickednefs. It hath an intimacy, an inwardnefs with the foul, and there- fore inall that we do, doth eafily befet us. It poffelfeth thofe very facul- ties of the foul, whereby we muff do, what we do, whatever it be, good or evil. Nowall thefe advantages it hath as it is a law, as an indwelling law which manifefts its power and efficacy. It is always refident in the foul, it puts it felf upon all its a&ings, and that with ealinefs and facility. This is that law which the apoftle affirms, that he found in himfelf, this is the title that he gives unto the powerful and effeaual remainders of indwelling fin, even in believers, and thefe general evidences of its power from that appellation have we. Many there are in the world, who find not this law in them, who whatever they have been taught in the word, have not a fpiritual fenfe and experience of the power of indwelling fin, and that becaufe they are wholly under thedominion ofit. They find not that there is darknefs and folly in their minds, becaufe they are dark- nefs it felf, and darknefs williap.ye no in . They find not deadnefsand an indifpofttion in theirhearts and wi Is to o becaufe they aredead wholly in trefpafles and fins. They are atpeace with their lulls by being inbondage unto them. And this is the 4ate of molt men in theworld, which makes them wofully defpife all their eternal concernments. Whence is it that metefollow and purfue the world with fo much greedinefs, that they neglect heaven, and life, and immortality for it every day ? Whence is it that force purfue their fenfuality with delight, they will drink, and revel, and have their fports, let others fay what they pleafe? Whence is it that fo many live fo unprofitably under the word, that they underhand fo little of what is fpoken unto them, that they prahice lefs of what they underhand, and will by no means be ftirred up to anfwer the mind of God in his calls unto them ? It is all from this law of fin, and the power ofit that rules and bears fway in men, that all thefe things do proced i but it isnot fach perforas of whom at prefent we particularly_.treat. Fromwhat bath been fpoken, it will en of é,ihat if there be fach a a law in believers, it is doubtlefs their duty to find it out, to find it fo to be. The more they find its power, the lefs they will feel its effects. It will not at all advantage a man to have an hedical diftemper, and not to difcover it ; a fire lying fecretly in his houfe, and not to know it. So much as men find of this law in them, fo much they will abhor it, and themfelves, and no more. Proportionably alfo to their difcovery of it, will be their earneítnefs for grace ; nor will it rife higher. All watch-. fulnefs and diligence in obediencewill be anfwerable alfo thereunto. Up- on this one hinge, or finding out, and experiencing the power and the efficacy of this law of fin, turns the whole conrfe of our lives. Igno- rance of it breeds fenflefnefs, carelefnefs, both, fecurity and pride, all which the Lord's foul abhors. Eruptions into great, open, confeience wafting, fcandalous fins, are from want of a due fpiritual confideration of this law. Enquire then haw it is with your fouls: what do ye find of this law, what experience have you of its power and efficacy ? Do you find it dwelling in you, always prefent with you, exciting ttfelf, or putting forth its poifon with facility and eafinefs, at all times, in all your duties, when you would do good ? What humiliation, what felf- abafement, what intenfnefs in prayer, what diligence, what watchful- nefs loth this call for at your hands ? What fpiritual wifdom do you Rand in need of ? What fupplies of grace, what affaitanceof the holy ghoft will be hence alfo difcovered ? I fear we have few- of us a dili- gence proportionable to our danger. C H A P.