Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

INI}WELLING SIN. 483 fins, and himfelf preferved by that affonifhable miracle, which all ages Inuit admire : whilft the world's defolation was an hourly remembrancer unto him of his firange prefervation by the immediate care and hand of God, he falls into drunkennefs. Lot had newly feen that which everyone that thinks on cannot but tremble. He faw, as one fpeaks, Hell coming out of Heaven upon unclean finners, the greateft evidence, except the crois of Chrift, that Godever gave in his providence of the judgment to come. He faw himfelf and children delivered by the fpecial careand miraculous hand of God ; and yet whilft thefe ftrange mercies were frelh upon him, he fell into drunkennefs and inceft. Davidwas delivered out of all his tròu- bles, and liad the necks of his enemies given him round about; and he makes ufe of his peace from a world of tryals and troubles to contrive murder and adultery. Immediately, it was, after Hezekiah's great and miraculous deliverance, that he falls into his carnal pride and boafting. I fay, their falls in fuels feafons feem to be permitted on fet purpofe, to in- ffrult us all in the truth that we have in hand ; fo that no perfons,in no feafons, with what furniture of grace foever, can promife themfelves fe- rtility from its prevalency, any other ways than by keeping clofe confiant- ly to him, who bath fupplies to give out that are above its reach and efficacy. Methinks this fhould make us look about us. Are we better than Noah, who had that teltimony from God, that he was a perfeEí man in his generation, andwalked with God? Are we better than Lot, whole righteous foul was vexed with the evil deeds of ungodly men, and is thereof còmmended of the Holy Ghoft? Are we more holy, wife, and watchful than David, who obtained this teftimony, that he was a man after God's swim heart ? Or better than Hezekiah,who appealed to God himfelf, that he had ferved him uprightly with a perfe&.heart? And yet what prevalen- cy this law offin wrought in and over them we fee. And there is no end of the like examples ; they are all fet up as buoys to difcover unto us the lands the fltelves, the rocks, whereupon they made their Ihipwrack, to their hazard, danger, lofs, yea, and would have done to their ruin, had not God been pleafed in his faithfulnefs gracioufly to prevent ir. And this is the fief part of this evidence of the power of fin, from its ef- feels. 2. It manifefls its power in the habitual declenftons from zeal and holi- nefs, from the frames, fate, and condition of obedience and communion with God, whereunto they had attained, which are found in many belie- vers. Promifes of growths and improvement are many and precious; the means excellent and effectual ; the benefits great and unfpeakable ; yet it often falls out, that inftead hereof, decays and declenfions are found upon profeffors, yea, in and upon many of the faints of God. Now, whereas this muff needs principally 'and chiefly be from the ftrength and efficacy of indwelling fin, and is therefore a great evidence thereof, I (hall Srit evince the obfervation itfelf to be true, namely, That fome of the faints themfelves do oftentimes fo decline from that growth and improvement in faiths, grace and holinefs, which might juftly be expelled from them ; and then thew, that the caute of this evil lies in that that we are treating of. And that it is the ca ife of total apoftacy in unfound profeffors, faall be hereafter declared. But this is a greater work which we have in hand. The prevailing upon true believers unto a sinful declenfion and gradual apoftacy, requires a putting forth of more ftrength and efficacy, than the prevailingupon unfound profeffors unto total apoftacy. As the wind which will blow down.a dead tree, that bails no root, rò the ground,`will fcarce- ly flakeor bow a living well-rooted tree. But this it will do. There is men-