Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Am 484 The NATURE and POWER mention made in the fcripture of the firft ways of David and they are commended above his latter, 2 Chron. xvii. 3. The laft ways even ofDa- aidwere tainted with the power of indwelling fin. 'Though we havemen- don only of the aftualeruptionof fin, yet that uncleannefs and pride which was working in him in his numbring of the people, were certainly rooted in a declenfion from his firft frame. Thofe rufhes did not grow without mire. David would not have done fo in his younger days, when he follow - ed God in the wildernefs of temptations and tryals, full of faith, love, hu- mility, brokennefs of heart, zeal, tender affection unto all the ordinances of God, all which are eminent in him. But his ftrength is impair'd by the efficacy and deceitfulnefs of fin ; his locks cut, and he becomes a prey to vile Tufts and temptations. We have a notable inftance in molt of the churches that our Saviour awakens to the confideration of their condition; in the Revelations: we may tingle out one of them. 'Many Rood things there were in the church of Ephefrs, chap.ii. 2, 3. for whichhit is greatly commended ; but yet it is charged with a decay, a declenfi on, a gradual falling off, and apoftacy, ver. 4, g. Thou haft left thy firi love, remember therefore whence thou art fallen, and do thyfirIt works. there was a de- cay both inward in the frame of the heart, as to faith and love; and out- ward as to obedience and works, in comparifon ofwhat theyhad formerly, by the teftimony ofChrift hiinfelf. The fame alfo may be Mewed con- cerning the refs of thofe churches, only one or two of them excepted. Five ofthem are chargedwith decays and declenfion. Hence there is mention- ed in in the fcripture of the kindnefs ofyouth, of the love of efpoufals, with great commendation, Jer. ii. 2, 3. of our firfl faith, r Tim. v. 12. of the beginningof our confidence, Heb. iii. 14. And cautions are given, that we lofe not the things we have wrought, 2 John viii. But what need we look back, or fearch for inftances to confirm the truth of this obfervation? An habitual declenfion from firft engagementsunto God, from firft attainments of communion with God, fromfirft ftri£tnefs in duties of obedience, is or- dinary and common among'profeffors. Might we to this purpofe take a general view, of the profeffors in thefe nations, among whom the lot of the belt of us will be found in part or in whole, in fomewhat or in all, to fall, we might be plentifully convinced of the truth of this obfervation. (1.) Is their zeal for God as warm, living, vigorous, effk&ual, folicitous, as it was in their firft giving themfelves unto God ? Or rather, Is there not a common, flight, felfiíh frame of fpirit, in the room of it, come upon moff profeffors? Iniquity bath abounded, and their love bath waxed cold. Was it not of old a burthen to their fpirits to hear the name, and ways, and worflipof God blafphemed and profaned ? Could they not have faidwith the Pfalmifi, Pfal. cxix. 136. Rivers ofwaterrun down our eyes, becaufe mien keep not thy law ? Were not their fouls folicitous about the intereft of Chrift in the world; like Eli's about the Ark? Did they not contend ear- neftly for the truth once delivered to thefaints, and every parcel of it,efpe- cially wherein the grace of God, and the glory of the gofpel was efpecially concerned? Did they not labour to judge and condemn the world by anho- ly and feparate converfation? And do now the generality ofprofelfors a- bide in this frame? Have they grown and made improvement in it? Or is there not a coldnefs and indifferency grown upon the fpirits ofmany in this tiling? Yea, do not many defpife all thefe things, and look upon their own former zeal as folly? May we not fee many who have formerly been of efteem in ways of profelfron become daily a from and reproach through their mifcarrlages; and that_juftl_y, to the men of the world ? Isit not