486 TheNATUxE andPowEx Now, all thefe declenfions, all thefe decays thatare found inTome profef- fors, they all proceed from this root and catfe; they are all the produet of indwelling fin, and all evince the exceeding power and efficacy of it. For the proof whereof I !hall not need to go further than the general rule, Which out of James we have already contìdered, namely, that haft or in- dwelling fin is the caufe of all aftual fin, and all habitual declenfions in be- lievers. This is that which the apoftle intends in that place to teach and declare. I .Shall therefore handle thefe two things, and thew, [t.] That thiscloth evince a great efficacyand power in fin. [2.] Declarethe ways and means whereby it brings forth, or brings about this curfed effeft; all in defign of our general end, in calling upon and cautioning believers to avoid it, to oppofe it. [s.] It appears to be a work of great power andefficacy, from the provi- fion that is made againft it, which it prevails over. There is in theco- venant ofgrace plentiful provifion made, not only for the preventingof de- clenfions and decays inbelievers, but alfo for their continual carrying on towards perfeftion. As, a.) The word it felf, and all the ordinances ofthe gofpel, are appointed and givenunto us for this end, Ephef. iv. II, 52, 13, 54, 15. That which is the end of givinggofpel officersto the church, is the end alfo ofgiving all the ordinances to be adminiftred by them: for they are given for the work of the minifiry, that is for the adminiftration of the ordinances of the gofpel. Now, what is, or what are elide ends? They areal]. for the preventing of decays and declenfions in the faints all for the carrying them on to perfection; fo it is faid, ver. to. In general it is for the per- feeding of the faints, carrying on the work ofgrace in them, and thework of Itolinefs and obedience by them, or for the edifying of thebody ofCbrifi, their building up in an increafeoffaithand love, even of every true member of the myftical body. But how far are they appointed thusto carry themon, thus tobuild them up ? Hath it bounds fixed to its work ? Doth it carrythem fo far, and then leave them? No, faith the apoffle, vet., 13. The difpenfa- tion ofthe wordofthe gofpel, and theordinances thereof, is deltgned for our help, aíiìftance,andfurtherance, until the whole work of faith and obedience is coaftimmate. It is appointed to perfeft and compleat that faith, know- ledge, and growth in grace and holinefs, which is allotted unto us in this world. Butwhat ifoppofitions and temptations do lie in the way, fatan and his inftruments working with great fubtilty and deceit? Why, ver. 54. thefe ordinances are deigned for our fafe-guarding and deliverance from all their attempts and affaults, that fo being preferved in the ufe ofthem, or fpeaking the truth in love, wemay grow up unto him in all things, who is- the head, eves Chrifljefaes. This is ingeneral the ufeof all gofpel ordi- nances, the chief and main end for which they were given and appointedof God, namely, to preferve believers from all decays of faith and obedience, and to carry them on !till towards perfedion. Thefeare means whichGod the good husbandman makes ufe of to caufe the vine to thriveand bring forth fruit. And I couldalfo manifeftthe fame to be theefpecialend of them: diftinitly. Briefly, the word is milk and prong meat, for the nourithing and frengthening of all forts and all degrees of believers. It hath both feedand water init, and maniving with it, to make them fruitful. The ordinance of the fupper is appointed on purpofe for the flrengthning ofour faith in the remembrance of the death of the Lord, and the exeresfe of love one towards another. The communion of faints is for the edifying eachother in faith, love, and obedience. 2.) There