Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

of INDWELLING SIN, +89 vited to come with boldnefs to the throneofgrace, that we may obtain ìner cp, and find grace to help in time of need ; that is, grace fuificient, fea- fonable, fuitable unto any fpecial trial or temptation that we may be exer- cured withal. Our merciful high -prieft is ready to give out this efpecial featonablegrace, over and above thofe confiant cominunicatioas of fupplies ofthe fpirit which we mentioned before. Betides the never-failing fprings of ordinary covenant grace, he bath alto peculiar refrefhing !bowers for tines of drought. And tins is exceedingly to the advantage of the faints, for their prefervation and growth in grace; and there may very many more of the like nature be added. But now I fay notwithftandigg all thefe, and the refidue of the like importance, fuck is thepower and efficacy of indwel- lingfin, fo great is thedeceitfulnefs and reftlefnefs, fo manyits wiles and tem- ptations, it often falls out that many of themfor whore growthand improve- ment all this provifion is made, doyet as was (hewed, go back and decline, even as to their courfe of walking with God. Sampfen's 'firength fully evidenced itfelf when he brake feven new withs, and feven new cords, wherewith he was bound, as burning roe, and as thread. The noxious humour in the body which is fo fiubborn, as that no ufe of the molt fove- reign-remedies can prevail againft it, ought robe regarded. Such is this in- dwelling fin if not watched over : it breaks all the cords made to bind it it blunts the inftrunents appointedto root it up ; it relifts all healing medi- cines though never fo fovereign, and is therefore alluredlyof exceeding efficacy. Betides, believers have innumerable obligations upon them from the love, the command of God, to grow in grace, toprefs forward towards perfection, as they haveabundant means provided for them fo to do. Their doing fo, is a matter of the greateft advantage, profit, fweetnefs, content- ment unto them in theworld i it is the burden, the trouble of their fouls, that they do not fo do, that they are not more holy, more zealous, ufeful, fruitful; they defire it abovelife itfeif; they know it is their duty to watch againft this enemy, to fight againft it, to pray againft it, and fo they do. They more defsre his deftru&ion, than the enjoyment of all this world, and all that it can afford. And yet notwithfianding all this, fuch is the fubtilty, and fraud, and violence, and fury, and urgency, and importunity of this adverfary, that it frequently prevails to bring them into the woful condition mentioned. Hence it is with believers fometimes as it is with men in foine places at fea : they have a good and fair gale ofwind, it may be all night long ; they ply their tackling, attend diligently their buiincfs, and it may be take great contentment to confider how they proceed in their voyage. In the morning, or after a feafon, coining to meafure what way they have made, andwhat progrefs they have liad, they find that they ate much back- ward of what they were, infeead of getting one Pep forward ; falling in= to a fwift tide or current againft them, it bath fruftrared all their labours, and rendered the wind in their fails almoft ufelcfs ; fomewhat thereby theyhave born up againft the Bream, but have made no progrcf... So is it with believers: they have a good gale offupplies of the fpirit from above, they attend duties diligently, pray conftantly, hear attentively, and omit nothing that may carry them in their voyage towards eternity. But after a while, coming ferioufly to confider by the examinationof their hearts andways, what progrefs they have made, they find that all theiraffïliance, and duties, have not been able to bear them up againft force Prong tide or current of indwelling fin. It hash kept them indeed that they have not been driven and fplit on rocks and (helves ; it bath preferred them front grofs, fcandalous fins, but yet they have loft in their fpiritual frame, or gonebackwards, and are intangled under many wcful decays ; which is a Hhhhhh riot-