490 The NATURE and Pow E R notable evidence of the life of fin, about which we are treating. Now becaufe the end of our difcovering this power of fin, is, that we may be careful to obviate and prevent it in its operation, and becaufe of all tire, effeels that it produceth there is none more dangerous or pernicious then that we have Taft infifted on, namely, that it prevails upon many profelfars unto an habitual declenlion from their former ways and attainments, not - withatanding all the fweetnefs and excellency which their fouls have found in them, I (hall, as was faid, in the next place confider by what ways and means, and through what affiftance it ufuallyprevails in this kind, that we may the better be inftruc±ed to watch agaïnft it. CHAP. XV. Decays in Degrees of Grace caìfd by Indwelling Sin. The Trays of its Trevalency to this pur- pofe. HE ways and means whereby indwelling fin prevaileth on belie- vers unto habitual declenfions and decays, as to degrees of grace and holinefs, is that now which comes under confederation, and are many. a. Upon the firft converfion and calling of finners unto God and Chrift, they have ufually many frefh fprings breaking forth in theirfouls, and re-- frelhing íhowers coining upon them, which bear them up to an high rate of faith, love, holinefs, fruitfulnefs and obedience. As upon a land-flood, when many leilèr firearm run into a river, it fwells over its bounds, and rouls on with a more than ordinary fulnefs. Now if thefe fprings be not kept open, if they prevail not for the continuance of thefe ¡bowers, they mutt needs decay and go backwards. We ¡hall name one or twoof them. (r.) They have a frefh, vigorous fenfe of pardoning mercy. According as this is in the foul, fo will its love and delight in God, fowill its obedience be. As, I fay, is the fenfe of gofpel-pardon, fo will be the life of gofpel- love. Luke vit. 47. Ifay unto thee, faith our Saviour of the poor woman, ber fins, which were many, are forgiven, for the loved much, but to whom little is forgiven, the fame loveth little. Her great love was an evidence of great forgivenefs ; and her great fenfe of it. For our Saviour is notrender- ing a reafon of her forgivenefs, as though it were for her love, but ofher love, that it was becaufe of her forgivenefs. Having in the foregoing pa- rable from ver. 38. and onwards, convinced the Pharifes with whom he had todo, that he to whom molt was forgiven would love molt, as ver 43 he thence gives an account of the great love of the woman fpringing from the fenfe the had of the great forgivenefs which the had fo freely received. Thus finners at their firft converfion are very fenfible of great forgivenefs: ofwhom Iam chief, lies next their heart. Thisgreatly fubdues their hearts and fpirits unto all in God, and quickens them unto all obedience; even that fuch poor curfed finners as theywere, fhould fo freely be delivered and pardoned. The love of Godand ofChrift in theirforgivenefs, highly conquers and conftrains them to make it their bufinefs to live unto God. (a.) The