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f INDWELLING SIN. (2.) The frefh tafte they have had of fpiritual things, keepsup,fuch'a favour and relifli ofthem in their fouls, as that worldly contentments whereby men are drawn off from clofe walking with God, are rendered faplefs and undefirable unto them. Having tattedof the wine of the gofpel they defire no other, for they fay, This is belt. So was it with the apo- ftles upon that option offered them as to a departure from Chrift,.upon the apoftacy ofmany falfe profeffors, Willyego away alfo ? John vi. 67. They anfwer by Peter, Lord, to whom(ball wego, thouhaft the words of eternal life ? Ver. 68. They had foci a frefh favour and relilh of the doctrineof the gofpel, and the grace of Cltrif upon their fouls, that they can entertain no thoughts of declining from it. As a man that hath been long kept in a dungeon, if brought forth on a fudden into the light of the fun, findsfo much pleafure and contentment in it, in the beauties of the old creation, that he thinks he can never be wearyof it, nor (hall ever be contented on any account to be under darknefs again. So is it with fouls when firft tran- flatedinto the marvellous light ofChritt, to behold the beauties of the new 'creation. They fee a new glory in him, that bath quite fullied the delire- ablenefs of all earthly diverfions. And they fee a new guilt and filth in fin, that gives them an utterabhorrency of its olddelights and pleafures ; and fo other things. Now whilft thefe and the like fprings are kept open in the fouls of converted finners, they conftrain them to a vigorous aétive holi- nefs. They can never do enough for God; fo that oftentimes their zeal, as faints,, fuffers them not to efcape without fome blots on their prudence, as men, as might be itiftanced in many of the martyrs of old. This then is the firft, at leaft one way, whereby indwelling fin prepares men for decays and declenfions in grace and obedience: it endeavours to fop or taint thefe fprings. And thereare feveral ways whereby it bring- eth this to pafs. [r.] It works by floth and negligence. It prevails in the foul toa negleft of flirting up continual thoughts of or about the things that fo powerful- ly influence it unto Drift and frituful obedience. Ifcare be not taken, ifdi- ligence and watchfulnefs be not ufed, and all means obferved, that are ap- pointed ofGod, to keep a quick and living fenfe of them upon the foul, they will dry up and decay, and confequently that obedience that fhould fpring from them, will do fo alfo. Ifaac digged wells, but the Philiftines Ilopt them, and his flocks had nobenefits by them. Let the heart never fo little difufe it felf to gracious foul-affefling thoughts of the love of God, the crofs of Chris, the greatnefs and excellency ofgofpel mercy, the beau- ties of holinefs, theywill quickly be as much eftranged to a man, as hecan be to them. He that f nuts his eyes for a feafon in the fun, when he opens them again can fee nothing at all And fo much as a man lofeth of faith towards thefe things, fo much will they lofeofpower towards him. They can do little or nothing upon him, becaufe of his unbelief, which former- ly were fo exceedingly effeftual towards hint. Sowas it with the fpoufe in theCanticles, chap. v. 2. Chris calls unto her, verf. s. with a marvellous loving andgracious invitation unto communion with himfelf. Shewho had formerly been ravifhed at the firft hearing of that joyful found, being now under the power of floth and carnal cafe, returns a forry excufing anfwer to his Call, which ended in her own fignal lofs and forrow. Indwelling fin, I fay, prevailing by fpiritual floth upon the fouls of men unto an inad- vertepcy of the motions of God's Spirit in their former apprehenfions of divine 1oVe, and a negligence of flirting up continual thoughts of faith a- bout it, a decay grows infenfibly upon the Able foul. 'Thus God oft C0113- plains