Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of INDW ELLING SIN. 493 God. By the power and fubtiltyof indwelling fin they have grown for- mal, and learned to deal about fpiritual things in an overly manner, where- by they have loft all their life, vigour, favour, and efficacy towards them. Be always ferious in fpiritual things, if ever you intend tobe bettered by them. [3.] Indwelling fin oftentimes prevails to the floppingof thefe fprings of gofpel-obedience, by falfe and foolilh opinions, corrupting the fimplicity of the gofpel; falfe opinions are the works of the flefh : From the vanity and darknefs of the mindsofmen, witha mixture, more or lefs, of corrupt affeelions, do they mot-By proceed. The apoftle was jealous over his Corin- thians in this matter ; he was afraid left their minds fhould by any means be corrupted from the fimplicity that is in Chrift, 2 Or. as. 2, 3. 'which heknew would be attended by a decay and declenfion in faith, love, and obedience; and thus matters in, this cafe often fall out : We have feen force, who after they have received a fweef tafle of the love of God in Chrift, of the excellency of pardoning mercy, and have walked humbly with God for many years, in the faith and apprehenfion ofthe truth, have by the corruption of their minds from the fimplicity that is in Chrift, by falfe and foolifh opinions defpifed all their own experiences, and rejected all the efficacy of truth, as to the fartherance of their obedience. Hence John cautions the eleft lady and her children, to take heed they were not feduced, left theyJhould lofe the things that they hadwrought, a Ep. ver. 8. left they fhould themfelves raft away all their former obedienceas loft, and a thingof no value. We have innumerable inftances hereof in the days wherein we live. How many are there, who, not many years lince, put an unfpeakable value on the pardon of fin in the blóod ofChrift, who de-. lighted in gofpel difcoveries of fpiritual Things, and walked in obedience unto God on the account of them; who being beguiled, and turned afide from the truth as it is in Jefus, do defpife thefe fprings of their own for-, mer obedience ? And as this is done groflyand openly in force, fo there are more fecret and more plaufible infinuations of corrupt opinions, taint- ing the fprings and fountains of gofpel obedience, and through the vanity of men's minds, which is a principal part of indwelling fin getting ground upon them. Such are all thofe that tend to the extenuation of fpecial grace in its freedom and efficacy, and the advancement of the wills, or the en- deavours of men in their fpiritual power and ability : they are all works of the flesh, and howfoever fotne may pretend an ufefulnefs in them to the promotion of holinefs, they will be found to taint the fprings of true cvan- . gelical obedience, infenfibly to turn the heart from God, and to bring the whole foul into a fpiritual decay. And this is one way whereby indwelling fin produceth this pernicious effea, ofdrawing men off from the power, purity, and fruitfulness attend- ing their firft converfion, and engagements unto God, bringing them into habitual declenfion, at least, as unto degrees of their'holinefs and grace: There is not any thing we ought to be more watchful against, if we intend . effefually to deal with this powerful and fubtil enemy. It is no fmall part of the wifdom of faith, to obferve whether gofpel truths continue to have the fame favour unto, and efficacy upon the foul, as formerly tliéy have had; and whether an endeavour be maintained to improve them continu- ally as at the firft. A commandment that is always pradifed, is always new, as John fpeaks of that of love. And hethat really improves gofpel truths, though he hears them a thoufand times, they will be always new and frelh unto him, becaufe' they put him on newnefs of pra&ice i when toanother that grows common under them, they are burthenfome and tom. Iiiiii mod