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of the PERSON Of C1-[ RIST. 27 the apoftie, Epbef. i. 4. For the fpring of the fandification and falvation of the church lies in eleéiion, the decree whereof comprifeth the couniels of God concerning them. Herein God from the beginning chufth ara unto falvation through the fanflification of the fpirit, 2 Thef. u. 13. The one being the end hedefigneth, the other the means and way thereof. But this he did inCbrill; he bath chofen us in him befóre the foundation ofthe world, that wefbould be holy and unblameablebefore him in love ; that is,untofalva. tien through thefanflification of the fpirit. In him we were not actually, nor by faith before the foundation of the world; yet were we then chofen in bim, as the only foundation of the execution of all the counfels of God, concerning our fandification and falvation. Thus as all things were originally made and created by him, as hewas the effential wifdomof God, fo all things are renewed and recovered by him, as he is the provifional wifdom of God in and by his incarnation. There- fore are thefe things put together and comparedunto his glory, Col. i. t:g, 16, 17, 18, 19. He is the image of the invifible God, the firfl born of every creature. For by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth, vifvble and invifible, all things were created by him and for him; and he is before all things, and by him all things confifl; and be is the head of thebody, the church, the beginning, the frfl born, from the dead, that in all things be might have the preheminence. Two things as the foundation of what is afcribed unto the Lord Chrift in the enfuing difcourfe, areaffected, v. 15. (a.) That be is the image of the inviii: hie God ; (2.) That he is thefirff bornofeves), creature: things feerning very diftant in themfelves, but gloriouflyunited.and centring in his perfon. (1.) He is the image ofthe invifible God; or as it is elfewiaere expreifed, he is in theform ofGod, his efential form, for other form there is none in thedivine nature. The brigbtnefs of the glory, and exprefs image of the father's perfon. And he is called here the invifible God, not abfolute- ly with refped unto his came, though it be moft true, the divine effence being abìolutely invifible, and that equally whether confidered as in the Father or in the Son. But lae is called fo, with refpeft unto his counfels, his will, his love and his grace. For fo none bath feen him at avy time, but the only begotten which is in the bofom of the Father, he declares him, John i. 18. As he is thus the of entia , the eternal image of the invifible God, his wifdom and power, the efficiency of the firft creation, and its confr/fence being created, is afcribed unto him, v. 16, 17. By him were all things created that are in heaven and in earth, vifible avid invifible. And bccaufe of the great notions and apprehenfions that were then in the world, efpecially among the 7ews unto whom the apoftie had refpeft in this e- piftle, of thegreatnefs andglory ofthe invifiblepart ofthe creation inheaven above, he mentions them in particular, under the moft glorious tides that any could, or then did afcribe unto them; whether they be thrones or do- minions, or principalities or powers. All things were created by him and for him; the fame expreffion that is ufed of God abfolutely, Rom.xi. 36. 'Rev. iv. 1i. Add hereunto thofe other places to this purpofe, ;yohn i. 1, 2, g. Heb. i. 1, 2, 3. and thofe that are not under the efficacy of fpiritual in- fatuations, cannot but admire at the power of unbelief, the blindnefs of the minds of men, and the craft offatan, in them who deny the divine nature of Jefus Chriul. For whereas the apoftie plainly affirms, that the works of the creation do demonftrate the eternal power andGodhead of him by whom theywere created, Rom. i. 19, 20. And not only fo, but it is uncontroulably evident in the light ofnature; it being fo direftly, ex- prefiy, frequently affirmed, that all- things whatever, abfolutely, and in their