Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

496 The NATURE and POWER fociety with others, whofe profeflion flows and runs the faine way with theirs, even towards heaven, but yet are muddied and fuilied with fin and the world, they are often corrupted with them, and by thetas, and fo de- cline from their firft purity, faith and holinefs. Now left this may have been the cafe of any who (hall read this dif courfe, I fhall add fome few cautions that are neceffary to preferve men from this infe&ion. i,) In the body of profeffors there is a great number of hypocrites. Though we cannot fayof this, or that man, that he is fo, yet, that fome there are is moft certain. Our Saviour hath told us, that it will be fo to the end of the world. All that have oil in their lamps have it not in their veffels. Let men take heed how they give themfelves up unto a confor- mity to the profeffors they meet withal, left inftead of faints and the heft of men, they fometimes propofe for their example hypocrites, which are the worft ; and when they think they are like unto them who bear the image of God, they conform themfelves unto thofe, who bear the image of fatan. a.) You know not what may be theprefent temptations of thofe whole ways you obferve. It may be they are under fome peculiar defertion from God, and fo are withering fora feafon, until he fend them fome refrefhing fhowers from above. It may be they are intangled with fome fpecial cor- ruptions, which is their burthen, that you know not of; and for any vo- luntarily to fall into filch a frame, as others are caft into by the power of their temptations; or to think that will fuffice in them, which they fee to fuffice in others, whofe diftempers they know not, is folly and pre- fumption. He that knows filch or fuch a perfon to be a living man, and of an healthy conftitution, if he fee him go crawling up and down about his affairs, feeble and weak, fometimes falling, fotnetitnes ftanding, and making finall progrefs in any thing, will he think it futticient for himfelf to do fo alfo? Will he not enquire whether the perfonhe fees, have not lately fallen into fome diftemper or ficknefs, that bath weakened him, and brought him into that condition ? Affuredly he will fo do. Takeheed, Chril%ians, many of the profeffors with whom ye do converfe are lick, and wounded ; the wounds of fome of them do ftink, and are corrupt be- caufe of their folly. If you have any fpiritual health, do not think their weak and uneven walking will be accepted at your hands; much lefs think it will be well for you to become tick and to be wounded alfo. 3.) Remember that of many of the heft chriftians, the worit only is known and feen. Many who keep up precious communion with God, do yet oftentimes by their natural tempers of freedom, or pafhion, not carry fo glorious appearances as others, who perhaps come fhort of them in grace and the power of godlinefs. In refpea of their outward converfation it may feem they are fcarcely faved, when in refpeét of their faith and love then May be eminent. They may, as the king's daughter be allglorious 'within, though their cloaths be not always of wrought gold. Take heed they that you be not infected with their worft, when ye are not able, it may be, to imitate them in their belt ; but to return, (d..) Sin doth this work, by cherifhing fomefecret particular tuft in the heart. This the foul contends againft faintly, It contends againft it upon the account of fìncerity, it cannot but do fo ; but it doth not make thorow v ork, vigoroufly to mortify it by the ftrength and power of grace. Now where it is thus with a foul, an habitual declenfion as to holinefs will af- furedly enfue. David (hews us how in his fieft days he kept his heart clofe unto God, Pfal. xviii. 23. Iwas upright before him, and I kept myfe f from