Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of INDWELLING SIN. 50;; tween its effeOs and produaions, and thofe of that grace, which is fpecial and caving. But now ! notwithflanding all this, we fee many of thefe daily fall off from Lod, utterly and wickedly ; fome into debaucher}, and uncleanncfs, fome to worldlinefs and coveteoufnefs, force to be perfecutors of the faints, all to the perditionof their own fouls. Howthis comes about, the apo- Ble declares in that place mentioned ; they are, faith he, entangled again, to entice and entangle, as I have !hewed before from James i. 4,15. is the proper work of indwelling fin; it is thatalone which allures the foul ; as the apoflle fpeaks, 2 Pet; ii. 18. They are allured from their whole pro- feffion into curfed apoftacy through the tufts of the flefh. It prevails up- on them through its deceit and power to an utter relinquifhment of their profeffion, and their whole engagement unto God. And this feveral ways evinces the greatnefs of its ifrength and efficacy, (t.) In that it giveth flop or controul unto that exceeding greatnefs of power which is put forth in theword in their conviftion and reformation. We fee it by experience, that men are not eafily wrought upon by the word; the molt of men can liveunder the difpenfation of it all the days of their lives, and continue as fenflefs and !cupid as the feats they fit up- on, or the flint in the rock of Bone. Mighty difficulties and prejudices mutt be conquered, great ftroaks muff be given to the confcience before this can he brought about. It is as the flopping of a river in his courfe, and turning his Breams another way ; the hindringof a Bone in his fal- ling downwards, or the turning away ofthe wild afs, when furioufly fet to purfue his way, as the Prophet fpeaks, Jer. ìi. 24.to turnmen from their corrupt ways, fins and pleafures, to make them pray, fall, hear, and do ma- ny things contrary to the principle of flefh, which is fecretly predominant in them, willingly and gladly ; to caufe them to profefs Chris and the gof- pel, it may be under fome trials and reproaches, to give them light to fee in- to fundry myfteries and gifts, for the difcharge of fundry duties ; to make dead, blind, fenfiefs men, to walk and talk, and do all the outward offices and duties of living and healthy men, with the like attendances of con- viftion and reformation, are 'the effefts and produIs of mighty power and flrength. Indeed, the power that the Holy Ghol puts forth by the word, in the Buggering and conviftion of (inners, in the wakening of their con- fciences, the enlightningof their minds, the changing of their affeftions, the awing oftheir hearts,the reformingof their lives, and compelling them to duties, is unexpreffible. But now, unto all thefe is therecheck and controul given by indwelling fin. It prevails againi this whole work of the fpirit by the word, with all the advantages of providential difpenfations in of hi &ions and mercies, wherewith it is attended. When fin is once enraged, all thefe things become but like the withs and cords wherewith Sampfon was bound before his head was fhaven : cry hut to ir, the Philifliner are upon thee, here is a fubtle, a fuitable temptation, now chew thy flrength and efficacy, all thefe things become like tow that have fnclt. the fire. Confcience is Bifled, reputation in the church of.God defpifed, light fupplanred, the im- perlfions of the word call off, convictions digefted, heaven and hell are de- fpifed; finmakes its way through all, andutterly turns the foul from the good and right ways of God. Sometimes it doth this fubtilly by imper- ceptibledegrees, taking off all force of former impreffions from the fpirit by the word, fullying confcience bydegrees, hardning the heart, andmaking fenfual the affections by various workings, that the poor backflider in heart fcarce knows what he is doing, until he be come to the very bottom bf all Mmmmmm im-