Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

o6 The NATURE and POIVER impiety, profanenefs and enmity againftGod. Sometimes falling in con- jundion with fome vigorous temptation, it fuddenly, and at once plunges the foul into a courfe of alienation from God, and the profeflìon of his ways. (2.) It takes them off from thofe hopes of heaven, which upon their convictions, obedience, and temporary faith, or believing, they had attain- ed. There is a general hope of heaven, or at leaft of the efcaping of hell, of an untroublefoine immortality in the molt fottifh and ftupid fouls in the World, who either by tradition or inftrucîion from the word, are per- fuaded that there is another hate of things to come after this life ; but it is in unconvinced, unenlightned perfons, a dull, fenilef , unaffe ling thing, that hath no other hold upon them, nor power in them, but onlyto keep them free from the trouble 'and perplexity of contrary thoughts and ap- prehenfions. The matter is otherwife with them, who by the word are fo wrought upon, as we have before declared ; their hope of heaven and a bleffed immortality is oft-times accompany'd with great joys and exulta- tions; and is a relief unto them under and againf the word of their fears and tryals ; it is fuels, as they would not part with for all the world; and upon all occaftons they retreat in their minds unto it for comfort and relié£ Now all this by the power offin are they prevailed withal to forego. Let heaven go if it will, a bleffed immortality with the enjoyment of God himfelf, fin mull be ferved, and provilon made to fulfil the fats thereof. Ifaman, in the things of this world, hadfuch a hope of a large inhe- ritance of a kingdom, as wherein he is fatisfied that it will not fail him, butthat in the'iffue he (hall futely enjoy it, and lead an happy anda glo- rious life in the poffeflion of it many days ; ifone fhou'd go to him, and tell him, It is true, the kingdom you look for is an ample and honourable dominion, full of all good things defirable, and you may attain it; but come,' Cadaway all hopes and expectations of it, and come join with me in the fervice and flavery of fuch or fuels an opprelling tyrant. Yoú will èafily grant, he muff have force (range bewitching power with him, that . thou'd prevail 'with a man in his wits to follow his advice. Yet thus it is, and muela more fo in the cafe we have in hand. Sin itfelf cannot de- ny, but that thekingdom of heaven, which the foul is in hope and ex- petlation of, is glorious and excellent ; nor Both it go about to convince him, that his thoughts of it are vain, and fuch as will deceive him, but plainly prevails with him to caft away his hopes, to defpife his kingdom that he was in'expedation of, and that upon no other motive, but that he may ferve'tome worldly, cruel, or filthy and fenfual loft. Certainlyhere lies a fecret efficacy, whofe depths cannot be fathomed. (a.) The apoílle inanifeffs the power of the intanglements of fin in and uponapoffatesx in that it'turns them off from the way ofrighteoufnefr af- ter theybave known it, 2 Pet. ii. 2r. It will be found at the lafi day an evil thing: and a bitter, that men live all their days in the fervice of tin, felf, and the world, refuting ,to. make any tryal of the ways of God where- unto they are invited ; though they have no experienceof their excellency, beady, pleafantnefs, fafety; yet having evidence brought unto them God himfelf, that they arefo, the refufal of themwill, I fay, be from bitternefs in 'the latter end. But their condition is yet far worfe, who,, as the apatite fperks, having known the way of righteorlfnefe, areby the power of indwelling fin turned afide from the holy coinmandvent., To leave.