508 The NATURE and POWER LattAisMiAIR,M,Alth,.44,14a 'MA& 428i1M2M82282TIMM-28ffaMaiglo ozM9M659hMMM&IWMUMMB94Mfikzo VVVVTVVVVTTVWfWVVVVTV CHAP. XVII. The ftrength offin evidencedfrom its refinance un- to the power of the law. HE meafure of the ftrength of any perfon, or de- fenced city, may be well taken from the oppofition that they are able, to withland, and not be pre- vailed againft. If we hear of a city that bath en- dured a long liege from, a potent enemy, and yet is not taken or conquered, whofe walls have endured great batteries, and are not demolilhed, though we have never feen the place, yet we conclude it ftrong, if not impregnable. And this confideration will alfo evidence the power and ftrength of indwelling fin ; it is able to hold out, and not only to live, but alfo to fecure its reign and dominion againft very ftrong oppofition that is made unto it. I fhall inftance only in the oppofition that is made unto it, by the law, which is oftentimes great and terrible, always fruitlefs, all its affaults are born by it, and it is not prevailed againft. There are fundry things wherein the law oppofeth itfelf to fin, and the power of it. As, a. It difcovers it ; fin in the foul is like a fecret hedical diftemper in the body ; its being unknown and unperceived, is one great means of its prevalency : Or, as traytors in a civil late, whilft they lye hid, they vigoroufly carry on their deign. The greateft part of men in the world, know nothing of this ficknefs, yea, death of their fouls. Though they have been taught fomewhat of the doctrine of it, yet they know nothing of its power. They know it not fo, as to deal with it as their mortal enemy. As a man, whatever he be told, cannot be faid to know that he hath an bellied fever, if he love his life, and fet not himfelf to lop its progrefs. This then the law both, it difcovers this enemy, it convinceth the foul that there is fueh a traytor har- bouring in his bofom, Rom. vii. 7. I hadnot known fin but by the law, for I bad not known lull, except the law had faid, Thou foals not co- vet : I had not known it, that is, fully, clearly, diftindly. Confcience will fomewhat tumultuate about it ; but a man cannot know it clearly and diftindly from thence. It gives a man fuch a fight of it, as the blind man had in the gofpel, upon the firft touch of his eyes, He Jaw men like trees walking, obkurely, confufedly ; but when the law comes, that