Of INDWELLING SIN. 5(9 . that gives the foul a diftind fight of this indwelling fin. Again, I had not known it, that is, the depths of it, the root, the habitual inclination of my nature to fin, which is here called loft ; as it is by James, chap. i. tç, I had not known it, or not known it to be fin, butby the law.. This then the law doth, it draws out this traitor from its fecret lurking-places, the intimate receffes ofthe foul. Aman, when the law comes, is no more ignorant of his enemy ; if he will now perilla by him, it is openly and knowingly ; he cannot but faythat the law warned him of him, difcover- ed him unto him, yea, and raifed a concourfe about him in the foul of va- rious affections, as an officer doth, that difcovers a thief or robber, calling out for afliltance to apprehend him. (a.) The law not only difcovers fin, but difcovers it to be a very bad inmate, dangerous, yea, pernicious to the foul. Rom. vii. r3. Was then that which isgood, that is, the Law, made death unto me ? Godforbid. But fin, that it might, appear fin, working death in me by that which is good; that fin by the commandment might become exceeding finful. There are manythings in this verfe, wherein we are not at prefent concerned ; that which I only aim at, is, the manifeftationof fin by the law ; it appears to be fin; and themanifeftation of it in its own colours; it appears to be ex- ceeding finful. The lawgives the foul to know the filth and guilt of this indwelling fin, how great they are, how vile it is; what an abomination, what an enmity to God, how hated of him ; the foul foal! never more look upon it as a fmall matter, what thoughts foeverit had before, whereby it is greatly furprized. As a man that finds himfelf fomewhat difteinper- ed, fending for a phyfician of skill, when he comes, requires his judgment of his diflemperc Heconfidering his condition, tells him, Alas, I am forry for you, the cafe is far otherwife with you than you imagine, your difeafe is mortal, and it hath proceeded fo far preffing upon your fpirits, and in felling the whole mafs of your blood, that i doubt, unlefs molt effectual remedies be ufed, you live buta very few hours. So is it in this cafe, a awn may have fotne trouble in his mindand confcience about indwelling, fin ; he finds all not well as it Should be with him, more from the efFëds of fin, and its continual eruptions, than the nature of it, which he hopes to wreftle withal: but now when the law comes, that lets the foul know, that its difeafe is deadly and mortal; that it is exceeding finful, as being the root and taufe ófall lais alienation from God; and thus alto the law proceeds againft it. ^(3.) The law judgeth the perfon, or lets the (inner plainly know what he is to expel upon the account of this fin. This is the law's proper work, its difeovering property is but preparative to its judging. The law is itfelf, when it is inthe throne. Here it minceth not the matter with finners, as we ufe to do one with another, but tells him plainly, Thou ari art the man, inwhom this exceeding finful fin cloth dwell, and you mall anfwer for the guilt of it. And this, methinks, ifany thing, mould route up a man to fet himfelf in oppofition to it, yea, utterly to deftroyit. The law lets him know that upon the account of this fin, he is obnoxious to the curie andwrath ofthe great God againft him; yea, pronounceth the fen- fence of everlafting condemnation upon him upon that account: abide in this late and perilla, is its language. It leaves not the foul without this warning in this world, and will leave it without excufe onthat account in the world to come. (k.) The law fo follows on its fentence, that it difquiets and aftriglita the foul, and fuf(ero it not-to .enjoythe leal yell or quietnefs in harbour- Nnnnnn ing