tINDWELLING íSIN. 51 t bath opportunity, to put out its ítrengthwith more power and vigour, and force than formerly. This the apostle thews at large, Roan vii. 9, 12, 13. But you will fay, Do we not fee it by experience, that many are wrought upon by the preaching of the law to a relinquishment of many fins, and amendment of their lives, and to a great contending against the irruptionsof thofe other corruptionswhich theycannot yet mortify; and it cannot be denied, but that great is the power and efficacy of the law, when preached and applyed to the confcience in a due manner. I anfwer, 1.)- It is acknowledged, that verygreat and effectual is the power of the lawof God. Great are the effeis that are wrought by it, and it (hall furely accomplishevery end for whichof God it is appointed. But yet the fubduing of fin is none of its work; iris not defigned of God unto that purpofe; andtherefore it is no difhonour, if it cannot do that which is not its proper work, Rom. viii. 3. 2.) Whatever effefts it have upon fome, yet we fee that in the moft, fuch is the power and prevalencyof fin, that it takes no impreffion at all upon them. May you not fee every where men living many years in con- gregations where the law is powerfully preached,, and applyed unto the confciences as to all the ends and purpofes for which the Lord is pleafed to make ufe of it, and not once be moved by it, that receive no more im- preffion from the ftrokes of it, than blows with a ftraw would give to an adamant ? They areneither convinced by it, nor terrified nor awed, nor inftrufted, but continuedeaf, ignorant, fenflefs, fecure, as if they had ne- ver been toldof the guilt of fin, or terrour of the Lord. Suchas thefe are congregationsfull of, who proclaim the triumphing power of fin over the difpenfariouof the law. g.) When anyof the effects mentioned are wrought, it is not from the power of the letter of the law, but from the a&ual efficacyof the Spirit of God, putting forthhis vertue and power for that end and purpofe. And we deny not but that the Spirit of the Lord is able to reftrain and quell the power of luft when he pleafeth; and fume ways whereby he is pleafed fo to do we have formerly confidered. But, 4.) Notwithftanding all that may be obferved of the power of the law upon the fouls of men, yet it is moft evident, that tuft is not conquered not fubdued, nor mortií}red by it. For, (1. Though the courfe of fin maybe repelled for a feafonby thedifpen- fationof the law, yet the fpring and fountain of itls dried up thereby. Though it withdraws and hides itfelf fur a feafon, it is, as I have elfewhere (hewed, but to fhift out of a form, and then to return again, As a tra- veller in his way, meetingwith a violent form of thunder and rain, imme- diately turns out of his way to force houfe or tree for his íheiter; but yet this caufeth him not to give over his journey; fo loon as the form is over, he returns to his way and progrefs again : fo is it with men in bondage un- to fin. They are in a courfe ofpurfuing their lufis; the law meets with them in a {corm of thunder and lightning from heaven, terrifies and hin- .ders them in their way; this turns them for a feafon out of their courfe they will run to prayer or amendment oflife, for -fume (helter fromthe florin of wrath, which is feared coming upon their confciences. But is their courfe ftopt, are their principlesaltered? Not at all fo Ilion as theform is over, that they begin to wear out that fenfe, and the terróur that was upon 4aem; they return to their former courfe in the fervice of fin again. This was the the fate with Pharaoh once and again.