Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

K12 TheNezùxE àndPowEx (2. In fuch feafons fin is not conquered but diverted. When it Teems to fall under the power ofthe law, indeed it is only turned into a new chan- nel, it is not dried up. If you go and fet a dam againft the ftreams of a a river, that you Puffer no water to pats in the old courfe and channel, but it breaks out another way, and turns all its ftreams in a new courfe, you will not fay youhave dried up that river, though fame that come and look into the old channel, may think perhaps that the waters are utterly gone: fo is it in this cafe; the ftreams of fin, it may be, run in open fenfuality and profanenefs, in drunkennefs and vitioufnefs, the preaching of the law fets a dam againft thefe courfes; confcience is terrified, and the man dares not walk in the ways wherein he bath been formerly engaged. His com- panions in fin not finding him in his old ways, begin to laugh at him, as one that is converted, and growing precife; profeffors themfelves begin to be perfuaded that the work of God is upon his heart, becaufe they fee his old ftreams dried up : but if there have been only a work of the law up- on him, there is a dam put to his courfe, but the fpring of fin is not dried up, only the ftreams of it are turned another way. It may be the man is fallen upon other more fecret or more fpiritual fins ; or if he be beat from them alfo, the whole ftrength of luft and fin will take up its refidence in felf-righteoufsnefs, and pour out thereby as filthy ftreams as in anyother way whatever. So that notwithftanding.thewhole work of thelaw upon the fouls of men, indwelling fin will keep alive in them frill, which is ano- ther evidence of its great power and ftrength. IIhall yet touchuponTome other evidences ofthe fame truth thatI have underconfideration ; but I fhall be brief in them_ (g. In thenext place then, the great endeavours of men ignorant of the righteoufsnefs.of Chrift for the fubduing and mortifying of fin, which are all fruitlefs, do evidencethe great ítrengh and power of it. Men who have no ftrength againft fin may yet be made fenfible of the ftrength of fin. The way whereby for the molt part they come to that knowledge, is by Tomeprevious fenfe that they have of the guilt of fin. This menhave by the light of their confciences; they cannot avoid it: this is not a thing in their choice; whether they will or no, they cannot but know fin to be evil, and that fuch an evil that renders them obnoxious to the judgment of God. This galls theminds and confciences of faine fo far, as that they are kept in awe, and dare not fin as they would. Being awedwith a fenfe of the guilt of fin, and the terrour of the Lord, men begin to endeavour to abflainfrom fin, at leaft from fuchfins as they have been molt terrified about. Whilft they have this defign in hand, the ftrength and power of fin begins to difcover itfelf untothem ; they begin to find that there is fomething in them, that is not in their own power; for notwithlanding their refolutions and purpofes, they fin fäíí ; and that fo, or in fuch a manner, asthat their confciences inform them, that theymuff- therefore perifh eternally. This puts them on felf endeavours to fuppreff the eruptionof fin, becaufe they cannot bequiet unlefs fo they do, nor have any reft or peace within. Now being ignorant of that only way where- by fin is tobe mortified, that is, by the fpirit of Chrift, they fix on ma- ny ways in their own ftrength to fupprefs it, ifnot to flay it, as being ig- norant of that only way whereby confciences burthened with the guilt of fin may be pacified, that is, by the bloodof Chrift; they endeavour by ma- ny other ways to accomplifh that end in vain for no -manby anyéelf en- deavours can obtain peace withGod: Some.