Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of INDWELLING SIV. 515 (3.) The ffrength, efficacy, and power of this law of fin. may be far- ther evidenced from its life and in-being of the foul, notwithftanding the wound that is given unto it, in the firft converlion of the foul to God; and the continual oppofition that is madeunto it by grace. But this is the fubjed and defignof another endeavour. It may now beexpected, that we fhould here add the efpecial ufes ofall this difcovery that bath been suade of the power, deceit, prevalency and fuccefs of this great adverfary of our fouls. But as for what concerns that humility, felf-abafement, watchfulnefs, diligence, and application unto the LordChriff for relief, which will become thofe who find in rhemfelves by experience the power of this law of fin, have been occafiònally men- toned and inculcated through the whole preceding difcourfe : fo for what concerns the actual mortificationof it, I (hall only recommend unto the reader for his direction, another finall treatife written long fonce unto that purpofe, which I fuppofe he maydo well to confider together with this, if he find thefe things tobe his concernment. To the only wife God our Saviour be glory and vnajefly, dominion and power, both now andever. Amen. T