Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

R F, A D ti. R. Cñ :i?ion Reader, F thou art in ano meafure awake in ebet days. n'brrein we live, and haft taker notice of the maniteld,great, and various Temp. cations eherecith all forts of pe.fns, that know. the Lord., and, pro/:ft` his esame, ore helot; and whereunto they are continually expeld ; with what l accefs thole Temptations. have ab'ained to the unfp^akable !Cando( of the Geel, with the wounding and ruin of in- numerable fouls: I runoff thous wilt not inquire any farther after other Reafons of the publifhrnng of the enfuing warnings and dire&ions, being farted to the times that part over us, and thine own concernment in them. This I/hall only fay to thole who think meet toperfift in any luthenquiry, that though toy fieft engagement for the expofbceg of theft mediations unto publick vier,, did, ;rile from the defirer cf feme, whole avouching the intere/l of ChrifI in the world by perfonal helinefr, and confiant adhering to every thing that is made 'precious by its Relation to him, havegiven them power over me, to re. quire at any timefervices of greater importance, yet I dare not lay any doing of it fo upon that account, as in the lean, to intimate, that with refpelt to the genetal¡1ate of things mentioned, 1 did not my (elf efleem it Jeafonable and ne- ce/fary. The variety of outward Provydences and Difpenfations, wherewith I have myfelf been exercifed in this world, with the inward trials they have been attended withal, added to the obfervatien that I have had advantages to make of the waysand walkings of others, their beginnings, progreffes, and endings, their rifings and falls in profejon, and converfatton, in darkneft and light, . have left frith a confiant fenf and imprefon of the Power and danger of Temptations upon my mindand fpirit, that without other pleas and pretences, I cannot but own it ferious call unto men to bewares with adifìovery of forneof the mini eminent ways and Means of the prevlaenly of prelim temptations, to havebeen in my own judgment,` in this feafna, needfal. But now, Reader, if thou are arnongfl them, who takeft notnotice of theft things, or eareft notfor Them, who haft nofenfe of the efficacy and dangers of Temptations in thineown walking andprofe on, nor haft obferved the power of them upon others; who difnernefi not the manifold advantages that they havegot in thefe days, wherein t s arefhaken, nor haft been troubled or movedfor the fad futceffes they Maiziad amongft Profelfors, but fuppofeft that all things are well within doors, and without, and would be better, cowldefi thole obtainfullerfetish:thou tofame of thy Lunt, in the pleafures or profits of theworld, I defre thee to know, that A 2 . Y