Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

To the READER. I write not jot size, :,or do eflreen the< a fir !c<ader,, or yeedge of what to nere written Whilfl all the iffues of Providential dilpenfations, sn frrence to the publich con-ernmeets of their nations are perplexed and incangled, ehe footle?: of God lying in the deep, where his paths arenot known ; whit f inpar- ticular, unparalleled diflreffes, andfrangeprofperäsies are meafuredout to sors, yea toProfeffors; whil'ft a fpirit of error, giddineft, and delufan goes Jorth with faeh ftrength and efficacy, er it feemr lb leave receiveda Comrneiji n togs and profper ; whil'ft there are fach divifions,frifes, emulations, attendedwith frith evil furmifes, wrath and revenge, found among brethern; whil'ft the defperate iffues and produtte of metes temptations are teen daily in partial and total apofacy, in the decay of love, the overthrow of faith, our days being,fil el with fearful examples of backfltdsnq, fuels as former Agesnever knew; whirIt there is a viftble declenfion from Reformationfiizing upon theprojejng party of theft nations, both as to perjonal h<dinefs, and zeal fir the interef of Chrif ; be that underfandsnot that there is anhour of temptation come upon the world to try'them that dwell in the earth, is doubtlefi either him/elfat prefent capti- vatedunder thepower ofJame woeful lu(l, corruption, or temptation, or is in- deedPark blind, andknows not at all what it is to ferveGad in temptation r with fuch then ¡have not at prefent to do ; for thole who have in general afenfe of theft things, who alto in fame meafure areable toconfider that the Plague isbegun, that they may befarther awakened to look about them leaf the infection haveap- proached nearer to them by fome fecret and imperceptible ways, than they did apprehend; or left they fhould be furprizedat unawares hereafter by any of thole temptations that in theft dayseither waf at noon, or elfewalk in darknefs, is the enfuing warning intended; andfor the fake of them that mourn in ferret, forall the Abominations that are found among, and upon them that profeti the Gof pel, andwho are under the conduit of the Captain of their Salvationfighting and refilling thepower of Temptations, from what jprtng foever they rife, in themfelves, are the enfuing direction prepofed toconfideratson. That ourfaithful andmerciful HighPriefi who both fuffered and war tempted, and is on that account touchedwith thefeeling of our infirmities, would accompany this foal diliourfe with feafonable Applies of his Spirit, andfuitable mercy to themthat Pall confider it, that it may be ufful to hisfervantsfor the ends whereuntoit ie defignetl, the prayer of him, who received this handful offeedfromhis Store- houfi and treafare. JOHN OWax,