OF TEMPTATION, T H E NATURE and POWER of ir,.&c CHAP. 1. The words of the Test, that are the foundation of the enfui g dfcoarfe. The óecafot of the mords, with their dependance ; the things fpecially aimed at in them. Things confi- derable in the words ae to the general purpofe ì,e hand. Of the General nature of Tem- ptation wherein it confis. The fpecial nature of temptation. Temptation taken aléive- ly and paffivrly. HowGod tempts any. His ends in fo doing. The esay whereby he da:h it of Temptation in its fpecial nature: of the allions of it. The truenature of Temptation fated.- Matth. xxvi. 41. Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. H E S E words of our Saviour are repeated with very little alteration in three Evángelifts ; only :whereas Matthew and Mark have recorded them as above written, Luke reporteth them thus; Arife and pray that you enter not into temptation; fo that the whole of hit caution feems to have been ; Arife, watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation. Solomon tells us of fome, that lie down on the top of a Mall ix the midit of the Sea, Prov. xxiii 34. Men overborn by fecurity in he mouth of d ftru&ion. If ever poor fouls lay down on the topof a Malt in he midit of ch Sea, thefe difciples with our Saviour in theGarden did fo. Their Matter at little diftance from them, was offering upprayers and fupplica- tions with ftrong cries, and tears, Heb. v. 4. being then taking into his hand, and beginning to * aft that cup that was filled with the curie andwrath due to their fins. The yews armed for his, and their deftrulion, being but little more di. * HeG. s.9. Gal. g. 13. a Coe, 5. st. 13 flout