Of TE,idTP TATTON, &c. growing tovrards itshour. Its prevailing with others, is a means to give itits hauf againft us. The falling off of Hy eenees and Pbitetui, is faid to overthrow the faith of fame, Tim. ii. 17, 18. ( 3. by complicating itsfelf with manycoofiderations, that perhaps are not ab- folutelyevil. So did the temptationof the Calatioos to fall from the purity of the Gofpel, freedom from perfecutiou, union sod content with the Jews: things in themfelves good, werepleaded in it, and gave life to the temptation it felt. But t Ihall not now inlift on the federal-advantages, thatany temptationhath to heighten and greaten its Celt; - to make itsfelfprevalent and effe&ual, with the contribution that it receives to this purpale, from various circumflances, opportunities, fpecious pleas and pretences, nècellities for the doing that, which cannot be done without anfwering the temptation, and the like i bécaufe I malt fpeak unto fume of them afrerwyrds 2.) Por the fecond, it may be known: ( 1. By its reftlels urgency, and arguing: When a temptation is in its hour, it is refflelj: it is-the time of battel, and it gives the foul no ref',. Satan fees his advantage, confiders his conjuntl:ion offorces, and knows that he null now prevail, or behopele Cs for ever. Here areopportunities, here are advantages, here are fpe- cious pleas and premiares t tome ground is already got by former arguiugs, here are extenuation of theevil, hopes of pardon by after endeavours, all in a readinefs; if he cando nothing now, he muff fit down loft in his undertakings. So when he had get all things in a readinels againft Chritt, he made it the hourof darknefs. When a temptation difcovers mille nacersdi Octet, preffes within doors by iniagiaations and realbnings, without, by folicitations, advantages and opportunities, let the lòu1 know, that the bout of it is come, and the Glory of God, with its awnwel- fare, depends on ics behaviour in this trial f as we fhall fee in the particular cafes following: ( 2. When it makes a Cònjunition Of affrightments and allurements, . Thefe two ëomprize the whole forces of temptation When both arebrought together, temp- tation is in its hour. Theywere both in David's cafe, as to the murder of Oriab ; therewas the fear of his revenge on his wife, and polïiblyon himfelf ; and fear of thepublication of his fin, at leaf', ; and there was the allurement of his prefenten- joymentof her, whom he lulled after. Men fumetimes are carried into fin by love to it, and arecontinued in it by fearof what will enfue upon it. But in any cafe, where thefetwo meet, fomething affrights tss, and the reafonings that run between them, are ready to entangle us, then is the hour of temptation. This then it is to enter intotemptation, this is the hour of it, of which more ip the procefsof our difcourfe. ( 3. There is the means of prevention prefcribed by our Saviour, they are two i. ] Watch. z. ] Pray. 1.] Thefirft is ageneral exprefiion, by nomeans to be limited to its native fig/1i.; fication, of waking from sleep : to watch is as much as tobe on our guard, to take heed, to confider all ways, and means whereby anenemy may approach tous. So the Apollo, i Cor. xvi. 13. This it is to watch in this bufinefs, to Rand fait in the faith, Osgood foldiers, to quit our felves like men. It isas much as weyodxa., to rake Hod, or look toour felvés as the fame thing is by our Saviour often expreffed; fe Roo. iii. z. An univerfal carefulnefs, and diligence, exercifing its felt in, and by all waysand means, prefcribed by Grid, over our hearts and ways, the bastes and methodsof Satan, the occultons and advantages of fin in the world, that we be not intangled, is that which in this word is preffed on sis. z. ] For the fecond direslion of prayer, I neednot fpeak to it. The dutyand its eoncernments are known to all : I fled{ only add, that there two comprize the wholeendeavour offaith forthe Soul's prelèrvation from temptation. Co CHAP; A