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Of TEM P TATPON, e'rc. CHAP. III. The Dafirine. Grounds elf it ; OW Saviours direa in t6ei Cafe. 7düProm fe of pre- Jervation. Irhps of man entering into temptation. i. Of ungroundedprofeffors. z: Of the choiceß Saints, Adam, Abraham, David. -.Self confidelanion as to our weak-' nefs. The power of a mans heart to withftand teenptapion confidered. The tonfiderntions that it ufethfor that purpofe. The pother of tempeat ono it darkens the mied. The fe. veral mays whereby rt doth fo. r By fixing the imnginations. z. By i t I g the of ibiens. 3. Temptations givefuel to I f# 4. T e e dbf tempuitián confide ed, reith' the Jueof farmer temptations e fame obi £lions a fibpp d: UAving thus opened the words in the foregoing Chapter fo Sin' as is neceffäiy to difcover the foundationof the truth tobe iefifled on mains roved I fliall lay it down in the enfuing obfervation.. Obfrv. It is the great duty of all believers to de all diligence' in the ways of Chrift's appointment, that they fall not into temptation. I know God is able to deliver thegodly out of tempedtiou: `-I know he is faith. ful, not to, fter w to be tempted above that roil are able, but willin ks a way forout efcape ; yet I dare fay I (hall convince all thofe who will attend pate what is de- livered, and written, that it is our .great duty and concernment to ufe all dill- Once, watchfulnefs and care, that we enter not into temptation; and -1 .fhaLl çvince it bythe enfuing eonliderations.' ` T. In that compendious.ittflru£tion given us by our Saviour; concerning what we Ought to pray for, this of not entering into rempiatiei', il'exprefly one head. Our Saviour knew of what concernment it was to us; not to enter into temptation; when he gave us this, as one fpecial fùbje£t of our daily dealing with 'God, Matt. vi. 13. And the order of the words Thews `us of what importance it is, Lead no not into temptation, but deliver tse from evil. 'If we are led intò temptation,' evil will befall us, more or lefs. How God maybe f id to tempt'us, or sa lead:es hero temptation 'I £hewed' before. In this ditë£tmn, irhnot fo muéh the not i hiss&r he up to it, as the powerful keeping us from it hat is intel\ded. The laíhwoed t are as it were exegetical, or expofitoryof the forrñér' ;'- Lead'oe.iat imo t mptat on;; but deliver ru from the evil fo deal with us, that We 'May be"post'erfully delivered- fróm that doll, which attends ourentering into temptation. Out !alertedSaviour knows full. well our flute 'and condition ; he knows the power' of temptations,t having had experience'of'it; . Pleb. ii.'r a. heknows our vain confidence, and the referveswe have concerning our ability to deal with temptations, :es he fauud it' in Peter; but he knows our weeknefs and folly, abd- how foolwe are cart to the ground ; and thereforeBethhe lay in this pravilon for inilrü£lien, at theentrance bf his miniftry,'to make us heedful, ifpoifible, in that which isof fo 'great concern- Silent to us. If then we will repofe any confidence in thewildotn, love, and care of'Jefus Chrift towards as, we mini grant the nail pleaded for. z. Chrift promifeth this freedotd and deliverance as a great'reward of moft ae- Ceptableobedience, Rev. . ci. This is the great promrfemade to theChurchof Philadelphia, wherein Chrift found nothing that he would blame. Thou ¡halt be kept :from the hour of temptation ; not, thou (halt be preferved mitt but he goes higher, thhu Jhalt be kept from ir. There is, faith our` Saviour, an hour'of temptation toming : a'feafomthat will make havock in the world;multitudes lliall then fall from the faith, deny and blafpheme' me. ' Oh hew few will be able toh and'aád held out ! Somewill be utterly deftroyed and - perifla for 'ever, fume will get wounds- to their fouls that Shall: never be well healed, whilft they live-in this world, and have their bones (woken fo asgo go halting all their days. But, faith he, Becaufe thou haft kept the word of my patience, 1 will be tender towards thee, and keep thee from this hour of temptation. Certainly that which Chrift thus promiles to his beloved Church,' as a reward of her Service, love, andobedience, is no lightthing ; whatever Chrift promifeth tohis Spoufe, is a fruit ofunfpeakable hove- ;:that is fo in an efpecial manner, which is promifed as a reward of fpecial obedience. 3. Let