Of TEMPTATION, &c. the matter of it, that it will take off from that clear confederation of things which otherwife it might, and would have: And thofe things whereof the mind was wont to-have a vigorous fenre to keepIt from fin, will by this means come tohave no forcenor efficacy with it : nav it will commonly bring men to that Bate and con- dition, that when others to whom their eftato is known, are fpeaking to . thefts the things that concern their deliverance and peace, their minds.still be fo poffeffedwith the matter of their temptation, as not at all to underftand, fcarce Ito-hearone word that is fpoken to them. z) By -woful intangling of the affections, Which .when theyare ingaged, what influence they have inblinding the mind, and darkuing the underffandiug, is knoiviïe if any know it not, let him but open his eyes, in there days, and he will quieklÿ learn it. By what ways and means it is, that engaged affedionswill becloud the mind and darken it, I mall not now declare. Only 1 fay, give me a man ingaged in hope, love, fear, in reference to any particulars, wherein he ought not, and'1 fhall quickly thew you; wherein he is darkned and blinded. This then you will fail in, if you enter into temptation : the prefent judgment you have of things, will not be utterly altered, but darkned, and render'd infirm, to influence thewill and matter the affections ; thefe being fee at liberty by temptation will run on in madnefs. Forthwith deteftationof fin, abhoring of it, terrors of the Lord, fenfe of love, prefence ofChrift crucified, all departand leave the heart a prey to its enemy. 3.) Temptation avili give oyland fool to oar.lufts, incite, provoke, and make them tumultuate and rage beyond mea,ure ; tendering a tuff, a corruption, a fuitable objet, advantage, occafiun, it heightens and exalperates it, makes it for a feafon wholly predominant; fo dealt it with carnal fear in Peter, with pride in Hreekiah, with covetoufnefs in Aohan, with uncleannefs in David, withwoldlinefs in Demur, with ambition in Diotrephes ; it will lay the reins on the neck of à tuft; and put fpurs to the fides of it, that it may rufh forward, like an horfe into the batted. A man knows not the pride, fury, madnefsof a corruption, until it meet witha fuitable temptation. And what now will a poor foul, think to do? His mind is darkned, his affeftions entangled, his tuffs enflamed and provoked; his relief ig defeated; and whatwill be the iffue of fuch a Condition ? (3.) Confider thatsemptatiousareeither publick or private ; and let us a little view the efficacy and power of them apart. [i.] There arepublick temptations; filch asthat mentioned, Pev. iii. ro. that was tocome upon the world to try them that dwell upon theearth; ora combina., tion of perforation and fedu£tion for the trial of a carelefs generation of profeffors: now concerning loch a temptation, confider, that i.) It hath an efficacy in rel'peh of God, who fends it to revenge the negle£b and contempt of the Golpel on the one hand; and treachery of falfe profeffors on theother. Hence it will certainly accomplifhwhat it receives commiffion from him to do. When Satan offer'd his fervice to go forth and reduce Ahab, that he might fall; God rays to him Thou !halt perfwade him and prevail alfo, go forth and do fo, r Kiepa xxü. 22. he is permitted as to his wickednefs, and coil:million. ated, as to the event, and punifhmentintended. When the Chriftian world was to be given up to folly and faits worship, for their negle£t of the truth, and their naked, barren, fruitlefs, Chrift-difhonouring profeffion; it is Paidof the;tempta- tints that fell upon them; that God fens thempang 8 delufione, that they fhould bellen, lye, z 7bef. ii. r as That, that comes fo fromGod in a judiciary manner, bath a power with it, and !hall prevail that felfilh, fpiritually flothful, ureters, and worldly frame of:fpirit, which in there days bath infe£ted almoftthe body of profeffors, ifit have a commiffeon fromGod, to kill hypocrites, to wound negli gent faints, to break their bones, and make them fcandalous, that they may be afhamed, !hall it not have a power andefficacy fo to do ? What work bath the fpirit of error made amonglt us? Is it not from hence, that as fome men delighted not to. retain God in their hearts, fo he bath given them up to a reprobare mind, Rom. i. z8. A man would think it firange, yea rt ismatter of amazement, to fee' perfons of a fober fpirit, pretending to great things in the ways of God, 'over= come, captivated, enfieared, defiroyed, by weak means, fottifh opinions, fooliflt imaginations, filch as a man would think it impoffìble that they lhould ever lay: hold on fenfible or rationel men, much lefton profefforsof theGofpet. But that which Godwill have to be Itrpng, let us not think weak j no llrength but the. itrength