Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

22 Of TEMPTATION, &c.' our felves from entring into temptation, but midibe kept by thepower andibifdem of God, is a preferving principle, r Peter. i. 5. We are inall things kepi by the poster of God: This our Saviour inftru&s us in, not only by dire&ting us to pray that webe not led into temptation ; buta11ó by his ownpraying for us, that we may bekept from ir, john xvii. 5. I pray not that thou fhoufdeff take them out of tire world, lour t! at thou flu l.,c)l keep thtm from the evil: that is, the temptations ofthe world,untoevil, Auto fir ; _ vd vcnnpov", out of the evil that is in the world, that is temptation, which is all that is evil in the world ; or from the evil one, who in the world, makesufè of the world, unto tem- ptation. Chrifi prays his father to keepus ; and irflruats us to pray that we be TO kept ; it is not then a thing in our own power. Thewaysof our entriig into temptation are fo many, various, and imperceptible; the means of it, fo efficacious and powerful, the entrances ofit fodeceitful, fubtile, infeufible, and plaufible ; our weaknef, our un= watchfuhsel, fo unfpeakáble, that we cannot in the leafs keep or preferve our felves from it : we fail both in wifdom and power for düs work. Let'the heart then commune with it felfand fay, I ampoor a.^:d weak, Sotan is fib- tile, cmiripg, powerful; watching cot for advantages.agrinfl my IbIol the world earneft, pref irg, and full offpecious pleas, immmerablepretences, andways of deceit; my own corruption violent and tumultuating, enticing, entangling, colic&oing fin, and waiting in me, agaiuft me. Occafions and advantages: óftemptatipn innume- rable in all things I have done or fufFer, in all bufneffes and perlons with whom 1 con- verfir. The firfl beginnings of temptation infenfible and plaufible; fo that left unto my felfI Mall not know that I am enfoared, until my bo ds bemade ftrong, and an hark got ground in my heart ; therefore on God alonewill I rely for prefervation; and conti- ovally will I look up to him, on that account. This will make the foul be alwayscent: mitring itfelfto thecare ofGod, refting itfelfon him; and to do nothing, undertake nothing, Co. without asking counfel of him. So that a double advantage w llarifì from the obfervationofthis direction, both of fingular ufe for the foul's prefervation from the evil feared.' (i.) Theengagement ofthe grace and compaffion. ofGod, who bath called the fa- therlefs and helplefs to refs upon him ; nor did ever foul fail of f pplies, who, in-a fènfe Of want, rolled itfelf on him, on the account ofhis gracious invitation. (z.) The keeping of it in fach a frame, as on various accounts, isufeful foritsprefer- vation ; he that looks to Godfor affiance in a due manner, is both,feifible of bisdanger, and confcientioufly careful in theufe of means topreferve himfelf, which two, ofwhát importance they are in this cafe, mayeafly be apprehended, by them who have their hearts exercifed in thefe things. 3. This alfo is in it, art faith on thepromif of God forprefervation. Tobelieye that hewill preferve us, is a means of prefervation. For this God will certainly do, or make a way for us toefcape out of temptation, ifwe fall into it, under loch a believing frame. We ate to pray for what God bath promifèd. Our requefts are to be regula- ted by his promifes and commands, which areofthe fameextent, faithclofes with the promifes, and fo finds relief in this cafe. This games inftrufts us in, Chap. i. 5, 7. What we want we mull ask ofGod : but we muff ask it infaith, for otherwife we muff not think that we Par.-dive any thing of theLord. This theta alfo is in this direction of our Saviour ; that we all faithon thepromifesofGod, for our prefervation out 'oftern: ptation. He bath promifedthat he will keep us in all our ways ; that we (hall be direct- ed in away, thatthough we are fools, wefhall not entertain it, Ifa. lv. 8. that he will lead us, guide us, and deliver us from the evil one. Set faith on worken thefe promifes of God, and expe£ba good and comfortable iffue. It is not eafilyconceived, what a train ofgraces faith is attended withal, when it goes forth to meet Cl'rift in the promifes: nor what a power for the prefervationofthe foul lies in this thing : but I have fpoken to thiselfewhere (a). 4. Weigh thefe things feverally, and, (r.) Take prayer into confrderation, to pray that we enter not into temptation, `e a means to preferve no from it. Glorious thingsare by all men that know ought of chafe things, fpokenofthis duty ; andyet the truth is, not one halfof its excellency, power, and efficacy is known. It is not my bufnefs to fpeak of it in general ; but this I fayas tomy prefent purpofe : he that would be little in temptation, let him be much in prayer. This calls in the fuitable help and fuccour that is laid up in Chrìft for us, ea) Mortificationoffin in believers. Hob.