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Of TEMPTATION, &c. 23 lieb. iu. t6. This cafieth our fouls into a frame of oppoftion to every temptation, When Paul had given inftru$ion for the taking to ourfelves the whole armour of Gcd, that we may refilland finad in the time oftemptation, he adds this general clofe of the whole, Eph. vi. 18. Praying always with allprayer and f pylication in the fpirit, and watching thereunto, with all per'everanee and f pplicatian. Without this all the reftwill beafro efficacy for the end propofed. And therefore confider what weight he lays on it praying always, that is, at ail times and feafons, or be ahvays ready and prepared for -the dilèharge of that duty, Luke xviü. I. i net; s. ,.. 117th all prayer and fuppllcations in the fpirit,; putting forth all kinds of defires unto God, that are fuited to our Condition, according to his will, and which the are , aflifted in- by the Spirit, and watching thereunto, left we be diverted, by any thing whatever- fa^I that not foi' a little while, but with all petfèveraoce; continuance lengthnedout to theutmoft, fo fhall ose ftand. The foul fo framed, is in a titrepo- fture ; -and this is one of themeans without which this work will riot be done. If we do- cot abide in prayer, we fhall abide in curled temptations. Let this then be another direhties. Abide in prayer ! and that exprelly to this purpofe ; that we en- ter not into temptations let this be one part of our daily contending with God ; that he would preferve our fouls, andkeep our hearts and our ways, that we benot entangled ; that his good and wife providence will order our ways and affairs, that nd preffmg temptation befit!, us; that hewould give us diligence, carefulnefs, and watch - fginefs. over our own. ways : Co fhall we be delivered, whenothers areheld with the cords of their own folly. o C H A P. VI. Of watching that we enter not into temptation : the nature and efficacy of three duty. "l'he fill part of it, as to the fpecial feafons of temptation. The (1.) jeafon ; in unufüal profperity. The (2.) lin a Humber of grtue. (3.) A feafon of great fpirztual enjoyments. The (k.) A fèafon of fclf confidence. THE other part of our Saviour's dire£tion, namely to watch, is more general, and extends it felt to many particulars ; 1 Mali fix on fònte things that are contained therein. 1. Watch the feafons wherein men ufually do enter into temptation. There are fùndry feafons, wherein an hour of temptation is commonly at hand ; and willunavoidably feine upon the foul, unlefs it he delivered by mercy in the ufe of watchfulnefs. Whenwe are under fuch a feafon, then are we peculiarly to be upon our guard that we enter not into, that we fall not under, the power of temptation. Some of thofe feafons may be named. (r.) A feafonof unulùal outward profperity is ufually accompanied with SD hour of temptation. Profperity and temptationgo together ; yea, profperity is a temptation ; nary temptations; and that becaulb without eminent fupplies of grace, it is apt to cant a foul into a frame and temper expond to any temptation, and provides it with fuel and food for all ; it hath provifion for loft ; anddarts for latan. The wife man tellsus, that the profperiry of foals deffroys them, Prov. i. 3t. it har- dens them in their way, makes them defpile inftrultion, and put the evil day (whole terror should influence them intoamendment) for from them. Withouta fpecial of - - fiftance, it hath an inconceivably malignant influenceon believers themfelves. Hence Agar prays againft Riches, becaufeof the temptation that attends them, L f, faith he, I be full and deny thee, and fay Who is the Lora ? Prne,xxx. 8, g. Left, bout fil- led with them he fhould-forget the Lord , as God complains that his People did, 'H f xiii. 6. We know how David was miflaken inthis cafe, Pfal. xx.x. 6. Pfain in nay prfperity, I fiáli never be moved : all is well, and will be well, but what was athand, what lay at the door, that David thought not of? Vert7. Thou diddeft hide'tby foce,.and l man troubled s