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24 Of TEMPTATION, &c. troubled: Godwas ready to hide hisFace, and David to enterinto a temptation of de- fertion, and he knew it not. Asthen unto a profperous condition. I fhall not run crofs to Solomon's counfel, :la the day of profperity rejoice, Ecclef vii. t q. Rejoicein the God of thy mercies,who Both thee good in his patience and forbearance, notsvithlfanding all thy mnvórthiaeÇ,: yet 1 may add to it from the time foundation of wifdom, Confider alfo, if evil lie at the door. A man is that flote is. in the midfì of Linares; fatan hath many advanta- ges againfl him : he forgeth darts out of all his enjoyments, and if he watch not, he will be entangled before he is aware. Thou wanteit that which fhould poi fe and ballafl thy heart. Formality in reli- gion will be apt to creep upon thee, and that lays- the foul open to all:temptations in their full power and itrength. Satisfa&ion and delight in creature comforts, the poyfon of the foul, willbe apt to grow upon thee. In tuch a time be vigilant, be circumfpef, or thou wilt be furprized. qeb fays, that in his 4171d-ion Goa made hit heart fofe, Chap. xxiii. 16. There is a hardnels, an infenfible -want of fpiritual feufe; gathered in profperity, that if not watched agairft, will expolé the heart to the de- ceits of fin and baitsofEaton : watch and pray in this feafon, many mens negligence in it bath coil them dear, their %Mid experience cries out to take heed. Bleffed is he that fearethalways ; but efpecially in a time of profperity. (z.) As in part was manifefted before, a time of the Humber grace, of o:egler in communion with God, of formalityin duty, is a feafon. to be watched in, as that which hath certainly fome other temptation attending it. Let a foul in fuch an eflate awake and look about him; his enemy is at hand, and he is ready to fall into fuch a condition as may coil him dearall the days of his life : His prefent eflate isbad enough in its felf; but it is an indication of that which is worfe, that liesat thedoor. The difci les that were with Chrift in themount, had not only a bodily, but a fpiritual drownefs upon them. What fays our Saviour to them ? Ar f, watch and pray, that you wirernot tritetemptation. We know how near one of themwas to a bitter hour of temptation, and not watching as he ought, he imme- diatelyentred into it. ? I mentioned before the cafe of the fpoufe, Cant. v. 2, 3, 4, S. the fleet, and was drowfy, and unwilling to gird up her felt to a vigorous performance of duties, in a way of quickaflive communionwith Chrift. Before fhe is aware, the hath loft her beloved; then .fine :moans,. enquires, cries, endures, woundings, reproaches, and all, before lhe'obtains him again. Confider then, O poor foul, thy fine and condition I doth thy light burndim ? or though it give to' others as great a blaze as formerly, yet thou feefinot fo clearly the face of God in Chi-if}, z Cor. iv. 6. by it as thou haft done? is thy zealcold? or if it do the fmo works as formerly, yet thy heart io nor warmed with the love of God, and to God, in them as formerly, but only thou pro- ceedeft in thecourte thou haft been in? Art thou negligent in the duties of praying or hearing? Or if thou daft obferve them, thou doeft it not with that life and vigour as formerly? Do'fl thou flag in thy profeffion? Or if thou keep it up, yet thy wheels are oiledby tome frnif}er refpeis from within or without? Does thy delight in the people of God faint and grow cold? Or is thy love to themchanging from that which is purely fpititual, into that which is very carnal, upon the account of fuita- blenefsof principles, and natural fpirits, if not worfe foundations? If thou art drow- frng in fuch a condition as this ; take heed, thou art falling into fame woful temptation, that will bleakall thybores, and give thee wounds that fhall flick by thee all the Daysof thy Life. Yea when thou awakefe, thou - wilt find that it bath indeed laid holdof thee already, though thou perceivedft it not ; it bath fmitten andwounded . thee, though thou haft not complained, nor fought for relief orhealing. Suchwas the fixate ofthe churchofSardis? Re% iii. z. the things that remained were ready to die : Be watchful, fays our Saviour, and ftrengthep them, or a worfe thing will befall thee t if any that readsthe wordof this diremios be in this condition, if he bath any regard of his poor foul, let him now awake, before-he be entangled beyond recovery. Take thiswarning fromGod ; defpife it nor. (3) A feafon ofgreat fpiritual enjoyments, isoften by the maliceof Satan, and the weaknefs of our hearts, turned into a feafon of danger : as to this bufinefs of temptation. We know how the cafeflood withPaul, s Car. xii. 7. he hadglorious fpiritual reve- lations of God and JefusChri ?; inflantly Satan falls upon him ; ameffenger from him buffets