Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of TEMPTATION, &c. 25 buffets him, fó that he cal-neftly begs itsdeparture ; but yet is left to firuggle with k. God ispleated fometirnes to give us efpeeialdifcoveriesof himfelf andhis1ove ; to fill the heart with his kindnef, Chrift takes us into thebanqueting houfe, and gives our hearts their fills of love ; and this by Tome fignal work of his Spirit, overpowering us with a fenfe of love, in the unfpeakable privilege of adoption, and fo fills our fouls with joy unfoeakable and glorious. Aman would think, thiswas the fecurefi condition in theworld : what foul does not cry withPeter in the mount ; It iegoodfor me to be here, to abide here for ever ? out yet very frequently fonte bitter temptation isnow at hand. Satan fees, that being poffeft by the joybefore us, we quickly negleft many waysof approach to our ¿hats, wherein he leeks and finds advantages againfi us.- Is this then our fate and condition? Does God_at any time give us to drink oftherivers ofpleafure, that are at his right hand, and Grisly our fouls with his kindness aswith marrowand ytiefs? Let usnot fay, we Gall never be moved ; we know not how loon God may his face, or a melienger from Satan may buffet us. befides, there lies oftentimes-a greater and worfe deceit in this bnfinef Men cheat their fouls with theitowu fancies, inftead ofa ionico: God's love by the holy Ghofi ; and when they See lifted up with their imaginations, it is net expreffible how fearfully they are expofed to all mamler of remptatioos ; and how then-are they able to find relief agairft their confciences, from their own foolifhfancies, and deceivingswhere- with they fport them felves? May we not fee loch every day ? porfons walking in the vanities and ways ofthis world, yet boafting of their fenfe of the love of God ; fhall we believe them? We malt nqt then believetruth its fell; and how cvoful then malt their condition needs be ? (4.) A fourth feafmr, is a feafon of ¿elf confidence; then aloofly temptation is at hand. The cafeof Peter is clear unto this: Imill not deny thee, though allmen Gould deny thee, I mill not though I were todie for it, I would not-do et. This laid thepoor man, when . he flood on the very brink of that temptation, that coil him in the iffue filch bittet tears. And this taught him fó far to know himfelf all his days, and gave him fach acquaintance with the Sate of all believers, that whenhe had received more ofthe Spirit and ofpower, yet he had leis ofconfidence, and faw it was fitthat others fhould have fo alto; and therefore perfúadesall men to partthe time oftheir fajaurnino. here in fear, 1 Peter i. r 7. not to be confident . and high, as he was, left, as he did, they fall. At the &ft trial he compares himfelfwith others, and vaunts himfelf above them ; Thavgb all men Gould fo f ke thee, per I mill not, he fearsevery man more thanhimfelf: but whenour Saviour afterwards comes tohim, and puts him direftly upon thecom- parifou, Simon Peter, lay f/ rho ume, more than thefe f Johnxi.. tq. hehash done compa- ring himfelf with others, and only cryeth, Lard, thou knomef{ that Ilove thee e he will lift up himfelf above others no more. Such a feafon oftentimes falls out. Temptations are abroad in the world, falte dot-trines, with innumerableother allurements andpro- vocations ; we areready every oneto be very confident, that. we !hall not be furprized with them : though all men fhould fall into there follies, yet we would not furely we Gall nevergo off from our walking with God ; it is impoGble our hearts fhouldbe fo fettifh : but bays the apofile, Be Her high minded, but fear ; Let him that flandeth take heed Leff:He f Il. Wouldefi thou think that Peter, who had walked on, the feu with Chrift, confefied him to be the foes of God, been with him on the mountwhenhe heard the voice from the excellent glory, Gould atthe wordof a fetva t girl, when therewasno legalinquiâtion afterhim, no procefsagainft him, nor any one in his condition, infiunt- ly fall a curling and fwearing that he knew him not? Letthem take heed offelf -con- fidence who have anymind to take heed of fin. And this isthe firft thing in our watch- ing, to confider well the lesions wherein temptation ufually makes its approaches to the foul, and be armed againft them. And thefe are Tome of the feafon, wherein temp- tations are nighat hand. CHAP.