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2$ Of TEMI'TATI®N, êTc peace ofGod mgovpkof r44 .01., Phil. iv. vii. !hall keep our hearts ; o;spa, is a milSta- ry word, a garrifon ; and fo a eov$éz a is, Shall keep as inagarrifon. Now a garrifon hath two things attending it. Fifr, That it is expofed to the affaultsof its enemies. Secondly, That fitfery lies in it from their attempts. It is fo with our Souls : they are expofed to temptations, affaulted continually`.. but ifthere be a garrifon in them, orifthey be kept as in agarrifòn,. temptation fhall not enter, and confequently we Shall not enter into temptation. NOSY how is this done? Saith he; thepeace ofGod final) do it: what is this peace of God? A fenfe of his love and favour in ferns Chrift. Let this abide in you, and it !hall garrifon you againft all affaultswhatever : befides,there isthat in an efpecial manner, which is alfo in all the ref's ofthe dire&ions; namely thatthe thing its felflies in a dire& oppofition to all theways and means that temptationcan maleufe of, to approach unto our fouls. Contending toobtain, andkeep, a fenfe of the love ofGod in Chrifi, in the nature of it, obviates all the workings and infinuationsof temptation. Let this be a third dire&ionthen in our watching againft temptation, lay in More of Gofpel provifons, that may make the foul a defeated place, againfi all the affaults thereof: 4. In the fief+ approach ofany temptation, as the are all tempted, theredire&ions following are alto Suited to carry on the work of watching, which we are in thepur- fuit of. ( r .) Be alwaysawake, that thou may'ft have an early difcoveryof thy Temptation ; that thoumay'fl know it fo tobe. Moft men perceive not their enemy, until they are woundedby him. Yea others may fometimes fee them deeply infenfible ;- they Sleep without any fenfe ofdanger, undi,others come and awake them, by telling them that their houfe is ou fire. Temptation in a neuter fenfe is not eafily difcoverable, namely, as it denotes fach a way, or thing, or matter, as is, or maybe made ufe of for the ends of temptation ; few take notice of ie, until it is too late ; and they find them- felves intangled; if not wounded. Watch then, to underffand betimes the fjtares that arelaid for thee; to underfland the advantages thy enemies have againft thee, before they get ftrength: and power; before they are incorporated with day lofts, and have difiilled poyfon into thy Soul: (r) Confider the aim and tendency ofthe temptation, whatever it be, and ofall that are concerned in it. Thole who have, an a&ive concurrence into thy temptation, are titan, and thy own lulls. For thine own tuft, I have manifefted elfewhere, what it aims at in all its a&ings and enticing,. It never ritesup, but its intendment is the writ of evils. 'Every offing of it, would be a formed enmity againft God. Hence look upon it in its firft attempts, what pretences foevermaybe made, as thy mortal enemy ; I hate it, faith the Apofile, Rom. vii. 15. that is, the working of loft in me, I hateit; it is the greateft enemy 1 have; Oh ! that it were killed and deflroy'd ; oh! that I were delivered out of the power of it. Know then that in thedeft attempt or affault in any temptation, the moß turfed, fivorn enemy isat band, is fetting on thee, and thatfor thy utter ruin : fo that it were the greateft madnefs in theworld, to throw thy felf into his arms, to be deftroy'd. But ofthis I have fpoken in my difcourfe of Motification. Math Satan any more friendly aim and intention towards thee, who is a Sharer in every temptation? To beguile thee as a ferpent, to devour thee as a lyon, is the friendfhip that heowes thee. I !hall only add that the finhe tempts thee to againft the law, it is not the thing he aims at ; his defigii lies againfi thy intereft in the Gofpel. Hewould make finbit a bridge, to getover to a better ground toaffault thee, as to thy . intereft in Chrift. He who perhapswill fay today thou may'fi venture on fin, becaufe thou haft an intereft in Chriff ; willto morrow tell thee to thepurpofe, that thou hail none, becaufe thou haft done fo. (3.) Meet thy temptation in its entrance with thoughts of faith concerning Chrift on the croft t this will make it fink before thee. Entertain no pally, no difpute with it, if thou wouldeft not enter into it. Say it is Chriff that dyed, that dyed for fuck finsas thefe. This is called taking the Jhield offaith to quench the fierydarts of Satan, Eph. vi: 16. faith cloth it; by laying hold on Chrift crucified, his love therein, and what from tpience hefuffered for fin. Let thy temptation be what it will; be it unto fin, to fear ordoubting for fin, or about thy {fate and condition, it is not able to Band before faith lifting up the Standard of thecroft. We know what means the papifis, who have loft the power of faith, ufe tokeep up the form. They will figa themfelves weh the Sign of the croft, or make aerial croffes; and by virtue of that work- done, think to fcare away