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32 Of TEMPTATION, &c. chiefeft treafure, is to keep the wordofChrift'spatience. They that win have aregard from Chrift in thetime oftemptation, are not tobe regardlefs, ofhis concernments. [3.] Obedience ; perform' obedience, in the univerfal obfervation of all the com- mends ofChrift, is the keeping of his Word, yob, xiv. 15. Clofe adherence unto Chrift in holinefs, anduniverfal obedience, then when the oppofition, that theGofpel of Chrift doth meetwithal in theworld, doth renderit fignally thewordofhis patience, is the life and foul of the duty required. Now all thefeare tobe fo managed, with that intention of mind and fpirit, .thatcare of heart, and diligence of the whole perfon, as to make up a keeping of this word ; which evidently includes all thofe confederations. We arearrived then to the fum ofthis frfeguardingduty ; ofthis condition of free- dom from thepower of temptation ; he that having adue acquaintance with the Gofpel in its excellencies, as to him, a word ofmercy, holinefs, liberty and confolatiob, values it, in all its concernments as his choifeft and only treafure ; makes it his bufinefs, and the workof his life, to give himfelf upunto it in univerfal obedience, thenefnecially, when oppofition, and apoftafyput the patience ofChrift to the utmoft, he feral] bepre- ferved fromthe hour oftemptation. This is that which is comprehenfive of all that went before ; and is exelufive of all other ways for the obtaining of the end propofed ; nor let any man think without this, tobe kept one hourfrom eating- into temptation ; where-ever he fails, there tempta- tion enters. 2. That this will bea fore prefervative, may appear, from the enfuing confederations. (r.) It hath the promife of prefervation, and this alone hath fo. It is folemnly promifed in theplace mentioned to the church ofPhiladelphia on this areno, t. When a great trial and temptationwas tocome on theworld, at the openingofthe feventh real, Rev. vii. 3. a caution is given for theprefervation of God's fealed ones, which are de- fcribed to be thofe, who keep the mord ofChri ft : for thepromife is, that it fhould be fo. Now in every promife there are three things tobe confidered. [r.] Thefaithfulnefs ofthe father who gives it. [z.] Thegrace ofthe fon which is thematter ofit. [3.] The power and efficacy of theholy Ghoft which puts the promife in execution. And all thefe are ingaged for the prefervation of filch perfons from the hour of temptation. [r.] The faithfulnefs of God, accompanieth the promife. On this accountis our deliverance laid, r Cor. x. r 3. though we be tempted, yet we (hail be kept from the hour of temptation ; it 1ha11 not grow too ftrong for us. What comes on as we fhait be able to bear ; and what would be too hard for us, we (hall efcape. Butwhat ferocity have we hereof? Eventhe faithfulnefs ofGod ; Gad is faithful mho mill not Weryou, &e. Andwherein is God's faithfulnefs fees and exercifed ? He ú faithful thar bath promifed, Heb. x. 23. his faithfulnefs conffts in his difcharge of his promifes. He abideth faith- ful, he cannot deny himfelf, 2 Tim. ii. 13. fo that by being underthe promife, we have the faithfulnefsof God ingaged for our prefervation. [z.] There is inevery promife ofthe covenant, the grace of the fon ; that is, the fubje@matter of all promifes. I will keep thee, how? By mygrace with thee : fo that what affiftance thegrace of Chrift can give to a foul that hath a right in this promife, in the hour of temptation it (hall enjoy it. Paul's temptation grew very high ; it was likely to have come to its prevalent hour : he befoughr the Lord, thatis the Lord lefts Chrift, for help, 2 Cor. xii. 8. and receives thatanfsver from him, Mygrace is faie'ent for thee, ver. 9. that it was the Lord Chrift andhis grace, with whom he had peculiar- ly to do, isevident from the Mole of that verfe ; Imillglory in my infirmity, that the paver of Chri may refs upon me ; or theefficacy of the grace of Chrift in my prefervation, be made evident, fo Heb. ii. r 8. Ca.] The efficacy of theSpirit, accompanieth thepromifes. He is called the holy fpirit of promife; not only, becaufe he is promifed by Chrift, but alfo, becaufehe effe&ually makes good the promife, andgives it accomplifhment isour fouls. He alfo then is engaged topreferve the foul walking according to the rule laid down : fee ¡fa. lea. the WI- Thuswhere thepromife is, there is all this alliftance ; the faithfulnefs of the father, the grace of the fon, the power of the fpirit ; all are engaged inour prefervation. (z.) This confiant, univerfal keeping, ofChriffs word of patience, will keep the heart andfoul in fùch aframe, as wherein no prevalent temptation, by virtue ofany advantages