34. Of TEMPTATION, &c. daily communion, the found in Chrift and his graces, above all other definable things. Let a foul exercifeit felf to a communionwith Chrift, in the good things of the Gofpel, pardonof fin, fruits ofholinef, hope ofglory, peace with God, joy inthe holy Ghoft, dominion over fin, and he (hall have a mighty prefervative againftall temptations. As the full foul loatheth the honey combs ; asa foul filled withcarnal, earthly, fenfual contentments finds no.relifh nor favour in the fweeteff fpiritual things; fo he that is fatisfied with the kindnefsof God, as with marrow and fatnefs, that is every day enter- tained at the banquet ofwine, wine upon the lees, and well refined ; hath an holy con- tempt of the baitsand allurements that lie in prevailing temptations, and is fafe. (3.) Hethat fo keep' the word of Chrift's patience, is always furnifhed with pre- ferving confederations, and preferving principles ; moral and real advantages of pre- fervation. [r.] He is furnifhed with prefervicg confiderations, that powerfully influence his foul in his walking diligently with Chrift. Betides the fenfe of duty which is always upon him, he confiders,. I.) The concernment ofChrift, whom his foul loves in him and his careful walking. Heconfiders that theprefence ofChrift is with him, his eye upon him, that he pon- ders his heart and ways, as one greatly concerned in his deportment of himfelf, in a time of trial. So Chrift manifelts himfelf to do, Rev. ii. 19. 20. He confiders all ; what is acceptable, what is to berejected : he knows that Chrift is concerned in his ho- nour, that his namebe not evil fpokenofby reafonofhim ; thathe is concerned inlose to his foul ; having that defign upon him to prefent him holy, and unblaneeable, and unreproveable idhis fight, Col. i. z3.. and his Spirit is grieved where he is interrupted inhis work; foncerned on the account ofthis Gofpel, the progrefs and acceptation of it in theworld; its beauty wouldbe flared, its good thingsreviled, its progrefs flop- ped, if fuch an one be prevailed againft ; concerned in his love to others, who are grievoofly fcaudalized,- and perhaps ruined by themifcarriages of fach.: When Hyme- vene andAileen, fell, they overthrew the faith of tome, and fays filchafoul then, who is exercifed to keep theword of Chrift's patience, when intricate, perplexed, intang- ling temptations, publick, private, perfonal, do arife; Shall I now be carelefs, {hall I be negligent, (hall I comply tviththe world, and the ways of it? Ohl what thoughts of heart hath he concerning me, whofe eye is uponme? Shall I contenus his honour, defpife his love, trample his Gofpel in themire under the feet ofmen, turn afideothers fromhisways? Shall fuch a manas I fly, give oven 'refrftings? It cannot be. There is no man who keeps the word of the patience of Chrift, but isfull of this foul prefing confederation, it dwells on his heart and fpirit, and loveof Chrift conftraias him fo to keephisheart andways, z Cor. v. ro. z.) The great confederation of the temptations ofChrift in his behalf, and the con- queft he made in all affaults for his fake, and his God dwell alfo on his fpirit. The prince of this world cameupon him, every thing in earth or hell, that bath either al- lurement oraffrightment in it, was propofed to him, to divert him from thework of mediation, which for us he had undertaken : this whole life he calls the time of his temptation; but he refilled all, conquered all, and is become a captain of falvation on them that obey him. And, faya the foul, !hall this temptation, thefe arguings, this plaufible pretence, this floth, this Pelf love, this fenfuality, this bait of the world, turn me afide, prevail over me, to defert hire who went before me, in the ways ofall temptations thathisholy naturewas obnoxious unto, for any good ? 3.) Difmal thoughtsof the loft of love, of the fmiles ofthe countenance of Chrift, do alfo frequently exercife fuels a foul. He knows what it is to enjoy the favour of Chrift, to have a fenfe ofhis love, tobe accepted in hisapproaches tohim, to converfe with him ; and perhaps hath been fometimes at fome lofsin thisthing, and fo knows alto, what it is to be in the dark, diftanced fromhim. See thedeportment of the fpoufe in fuch a cafe, Cant. iii. 4. ashen the had once found him again ; the holdshim, the will notlet him go, the will loofe him nomore. [z.] He that keepsthe wordof Chrifi'spatience, bathprefervingprinciples, where- by he is ai ed. Someofthemmay be mentioned. r.) In all thingshe livesby faith, and is ailed by it in all his ways, Gal. ii 20. now upon a twofold account bath faith, when improved, the power of prehrvation from temptation annexed unto it. (r. Becaufe it empties the foul of its own wifdom, underflanding and fulnefs, that it may ail in thewifdom and fulnefsof Chrift. Theonly advice for prefervation in trials