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36 Of TEMPTATION, &c. r. Take heedof leaningon deceitful of lftances ; As (t .) On your own counfels, underftandings, reafonings, though you argue in them rever fo plaufibly in your own defence, they will leave you,. betray you ; when the temptation comes to any height, they will all turn about, and take parr with your enemy, and plead as much for the matter of the temptation whatever it be, as.they pleaded againft the end and iffue of it before. (z.) Themolt vigorousa&ings by prayer, fairing, and other fisch means againft that particularluit, corruption, temptation, wherewithyou areexercifed, and have to do. This will not avail you, if in the mean time therg be negietts on other arenaras : to heara man wreßle, cry, contend as to any particular of temptation, and immediatly fallinto wordlyways, wordlycompliances, loofenefs, and negligence in other things it is righteous with Jefus Chrift to leave fach an one to the hour of temptation. (3.) The general fecurity of faints perfeverance, and prefervation from total apofiafy. Every fecucity that God gives us, isgood in its kind; and for the purpofefor which it is given to us ; but when it is given for one end, to life it for another, that is not good or profitable. Tomakeufeof the generalaffuranceof prefervation fromtotal apofiafy,, to fupportthe fpirit inrefpe& of a particular temptation, will not in the iffue advantage the foul ; becaufe notwithftanding that, thisor that temptationmay prevail. Many relieve themfelves with this, until they find themfelves in the depth of perplexities. i. Apply your felves to this great prefervation of faithful keeping the word of Chrift's patience, in the midi{ ofall triallsand temptations. (c.) In particular, wifely, confider wherein the word ofChrift's patience is moll likely to fuffer in the dayswherein we live, and the feafons that pafs over us, and fo vigoroully fet your felves to keep it in that particular, peculiarly. You will fay, How Mall we know wherein the word ofGhrifi's patience in any feafon is like to fuffer? I anfwer ; Confider what works he peculiarly performs in any feafon, and negleSof his word in reference to them, is that wherein his word is like to fuffer. The worksof Chrift; wherein he háth been peculiarly engaged inour daysand fea- fons, feem to be thefe. [t.] The pouring of contempt upon the great men and great things ofthe world, with the enjoyments of it, he hath difcovered the nakednefs of all earthly things, in overturning, overturning, overturning both men, and things, tomake way for the thingsthat cannot be lhaken. [Zr] The owningofthe lotof his own inheritance in a difiinguifhing manner, putting a difference between theprecious and thevile, and caufing his people to dwell alone, as not reckoned with thenations. [3.] In being nighto faithand prayer, honouring them above all the firength and counfels of the foes of men. [q.]- In recovering his ordinances and inßitutions from the carnal adminiftrations, that theywere inbondage under by the tufts of men, bringing them forth in the beauty and the power of the Spirit. Wherein then in filch a feafon mull lie the peculiar Tingle& oftheword ofChrift', patience ? Is it not in fetting a value on the world, and the things of it, which he lath ßained and trampled under foot? Is it.not in the lighting ofhis peculiar lot, his people, and calling them into the fame confiderations with themen ofthe world ? Is it not in leaning to our own counfels and underßandings? Is it not inthe defilement of his ordinances, by giving the outward court of thetemple tobe trod upon byunfanfitifred perfons? Let us then be watchful, and in thefe things keep the wordofthe patienceofChrift, ifwe love our own prefervation. [5] In this frameurge theLord Jefus Chrift with his bleffedpromifes, with all the coniderations that may be apt to take and hold the king in his galleries, that may work on the heart of our bleffed and merciful high prieß, to give fuitable fuccoarat time of need. C 11 A P.