Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of TEMPTATION, &c. 37 7£ 5 aí vm em'T re àn. á. C H A P. IX. General exhortation to the Dutyprefcribed. AVI N'G thus paffed through the confiderations of theduty of watching, that we enter not into temptation, I fuppofe I need' not addmotives to the obfer- vance of it. Thofe who are not moved by their owe fad experiences, nor the importance of the duty, as laid down in the entrance ofthis difcontie, mud be left by me to the farther patience of-God. I Bail only Phut up the whole with a general exhortation to them, who are in any meafure prepared for it, by the confideration of whatbath been fpoken. Should you go into an hofpital, and fee many perfmu lying lick and weak, fore andwounded, with many filthydifeafes anddiftempers, and should enquire ofthem, how they fell into this condition, and they !hall all agree to tell you, fuch, orfuch a thing was theoccafion alit ; by that I got my wound flays one, andmy ndifeafe fayaanother; would it not make you a little careful how, or what you had to do with that thing or place? Surely it would.. Should you go to a dungeon, and fee many miferable creatures bound in chains for an approaching day of execution, and inquire the way andmeans whereby they were brought into that condition, and they Mould all fix on one and the fame thing, would you ont take care to avoid ie? The cafe is fo with entring into temptation : ah ! hosv many poor, miferably, fpiritually, wounded fouls have we every where? One wounded by one fin, another by another one falling into filthinéfs of the flefh, another of the fpirit : ask them now how they came into this elate and condition ; thy muff all anfwer, Alas ! ive entred into temptation, we fell into curled Gares and entanglements, and that hath brought us into thewoeful condition you fee. Nay ifa man could look into the dungeons ofhell, and fee the poor damned fouls that liebonndjn chains ofdarknell, and hear their cries what would he be taught ? What do they fay ? Are they not turfing their tempters, and the temptations that they entred in? And fhall we be negligent in this. thing? Solomon tells us, that the fimple one that follows the :Prange woman knows not that the dead are there, ber houfe inclineth to death, and her paths to the dead, (which he repeats three times) and that is the reafon, that he ventures on her flares. If you knew what hash been done by entring into temptation, perhaps youwould be more watchful andcareful. Men may think that they fhall do well enough notwithlanding ; but can a man take fire in his bofome, and hiscloaths not be burnt ? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be butnt? Prow. vii. 27, 28. No fuch thing, men come not out of their temptation without wounds, burning,, and fears. I know not anyplace in the world,. where there is more need ofpreffing this exhortation, than in this; go to our feverai colleges, enquire'for fuchand fuch young men ; what is the anfwer in refpett ofmany? Ah ! fuch an one was very hopeful for a feafon, but he fell into ill company andhe is quite loft. Such an one had lamegood beginning ofreligion, we were in great expecaa- tton ofhim, but he is fallen into temptation ; and fo in other places: Such an onewas ufeful and humble, adorned the Gofpel, but now he is fo wofully intangled with the world, that he is grown all fel , hatin no lip nor favour ; fuch an one washumble and zealous, but he is advanced and hath loll his firft love andways ; oh ! how, full is the world, how full is thisplace ofthefe woful examples : to fay nothing ofthefe innume- rable poor creatures, who are fallen into temptation by delufions in religion. And is it not time for us toawake before it be too late ; towatch againftthe firft riling of fin, the firft attempts of fatan, and all ways whereby he }lath made his approaches to us, be they never foharmlefs in themfelves? Have we not experience of our weaknefs, our folly, the invincible power of tempta- tionwhen once it is gotten within us? As for this duty that I have inified on, take there coufiderations : L r. if