Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Chriftian Reader, SFIf1LL in a few words acquaint thee with the reafons, that obtained my confent to the publifbingof the enfuing difcourfe. The confideration of thepre font flote and condition of the generality of profef% fors, the vifble evidences of the frame pf their hearts and fpirits, rnanifafing a great difability of dealing with the temptations, wherewith from the peace they have in the world, and the divifions that they have among themfelves, they are encompaffecl, bolds the chief place amongft them. This I am allured is of fo great importance, that if hereby I only occafion ethers to prefs more effedlually on the confciences of men, the work of conftdering their ways, and to give more clear direeon for the cornspajing of the end propofed, I (hall well efleem of my lot in this undertaking. This was feconded by an obfervation of forge men's dangerous miflakes, who of late days have takenupon them to give di., recrtions for the mortification of fin, who being unacquainted with the myflery of the Gofpel, and the efficacy of the death of Çhrifl, have anew impofed the, yoke of et fe f wrought-out mortification on the necks of their Vifciples, which neither they, nor their forefathers were ever able to bear.. í( mortification they cry up, and prefs, fuita- ble to that of the Gofpel, neither in refpec$ of nature, fubdeiI, caufes, means, nor offens ; which conflantly produces the deplorable ífues of fuperflition, félf-righteoufnefs and anxiety of confcience, in them who take up the burthenwhich isfo bound for them. What is here proofed in weaknefs, I humbly hope will anfwer thefpirit and letter of the Gofpel, with the experiences of them, who know what it is to walk' with God, according to the tenour of the covenant of grace. .So that if not this, yet certainly Tome thing of this