Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

this kind, is very neceffary at this feafon, for the promotion and furthe- ranee of this work of Gofpel mortification zn the hearts of believers, and their direaion in paths fafe, and wherein they may find, ref! to their fouls. Something I have to add, as to what in particular re- lates unto myfelf. Havingpreached on this fubjeai unto Tome comfort- able fuccefs, through the grace of him that adminiflret feed to the fower, I was preffed by fundry perfons, in whole hearts are the ways of God, thus to publifh what I. had delivered, with fucb ad- ditions and alterations, as I Jhould judge neceffary. Under the induce- ment of their defines, I called to remembrance the debt, wherein I have now for fame years flood ingaged unto fundry noble and worthy chriflian friends, as to a treatife of communion with God, fame while fine promifed to them ; and thereon apprehended, that if I could not hereby compound for the greater debt, yet Imight poffibly tender them this difcourfe of variance with themfelves, as interefl for their forbearance of that of peace and communion with God. Befides, I confidered that I bad been providentially engaged in the publick de- bate of fundry controverfies in religion, which might Teem to claim fometbing in another kind, of more general ufe, as a fruit of choice not nece y : on theft and the like accounts, is this fliort difcourfe brought forth to publickview, and now prefentedunto thee. I hoe Imay own zn fincerity, that my hearts defire unto God, and the chief p defign of my life in the flation wherein the good providence of God bath placed me, are, that mortification and univerfal holinefs may be promoted in my own, and in the hearts and ways of others, to the glory of God, that fo the Gofpel of our Lord and .Saviour °fefue Cbril, may be adorned in all things ; for the compaffiag of which end, if this little difcourfe (of the publifhing whereof this is the fum of the account I fhall give) may in any thing be ufeful to the leafl of the faints, it will be looked on as a return of the weak prayers, wherewith it is attended, by its unworthy author, OHN OWEN., OF