Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

O F THE 1v/lort$Ficatl®n of An I N BELI.TERS,&c. 44 +444 »»»»^»»» A CHAP: L Thefoundation of the whole enticing difcourfe laid in Rom. viii. 13 The words of the apoflle opened. The certain connexion between true mortifi- cation and falvation. Mortification the, work of believers. The fpirit the principle efficient taufe of it. What meant by the body in the words of the apoffle. What by the deeds of the body. Life in what fence pro- mired to this duty. H AT vbhat Ihave ofdire&ionto contribute to the carrying on of thework ofmortification in believers,may receive orderand per- fpicuiry,-I (hall lay the foundation of itin thole words of the apoftle, Rom. viii. t3. Ifye by thefpirit do mortify the deeds of the fiefb,. ye fhall live; and reduce the whole to an improvement of the great evangelical truth and myflery cgntained in them, The apoftle having made a recapitulation of his doftrine of jollification by faith, and the bletfed eflate and condition of them, who are made by grace partakers thereof, v. t, 2, 3. of this chapter, proceeds to improve it to the holinefs and confolation of. belie -ers. Among his arguments and motives unto holinefs, the ovrfe mentioned containerh one, from the contrary events and efteds of holinefs and fin. Ifye live after thefle/h, ye (ball die. What it is to live after theflub, and what it is to die, that being not my pre - feet aim and bufinefs, I fhall. no otherwife explain, than as they will fall in with the fence of the latter words of the verfe, as before eropofed, In