Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

2 The MORTIFICATION In the words peculiarly defigned for the foundation óf the enfuingdifcourfe, there is, Firft, A duty prefcribed mort f) thedeeds of the body. Secondly. The perlons are denoted to whom it is prefcribed ; ye, ifye mortify. Thirdly, There is in them a promife annexed tó that duty, ye(balllive. Fourthly, 'use caufe or meansof the performance of this duty, thefpirit; ifye through the fpirit. Fifthly, The conditionality of the whole propofition, wherein duty, means and pro- mife, are contained, ifye, &c. words, as they lye in the entire propofition, is r. The firíl thing occurring in the the conditional note, oà but if. Conditionals in filch propofitions may denote two things, (1.) The uncertainty of the event, or thing promifed, in refpe& of them to whom the duty is prefcribed. And this takes place where the condition is abfoloeely necef- fory unto the Mile, and depends not itfelf on any determinate caufe, known to him to whom it is prefcribed. So we fay, If we live, we win do filch a' thing. This cannot be the intendment of theconditional expreffion in this place. Of the perlons to whorl tilde words are fpoken, it.-is laid, v. 1. of the fame chapter, There is no con- , , demnation to them. (a.) The certainty of the coherence and connexion that is between the things fpo- ken oh Aswe fay to a heir man, If you will take filcha potion, or ale fach a reme- dy, you will be well. The thingwe folely intend to exprefs,` is the certainty óf the connexion that 'is between thepotion or remedy, and health. And this is thè life of it here. The certain connexion that is between the mortifying of the deeds of the body, and living, is intimated in this conditional particle. Now theconnexion and coherence of things being manifold, as of esule and effeft, of way and means, and the end; this between mortification, and life, is not of caufe and effcft properly and ílriftly, Fr eternal life is the gift of God though yeftas Chriff, Rem. vi. z3. But of means and end t God bath appointed this means for the attain- ing that end, which he bath freely promifed. Means, though neceflary, have a fair fubordination to an end offree promrfe. A gift and procuring caufe in him to whom it is given, are inconlfent. The intendment then of this propofition, as conditional, is, That there is a certain infallible connexion and coherence between true mortifi- cation and eternal life s if you ufe this means, you Cieli obtain that end ; if you do mortify, you fháll live. And herein lyes the main motive unto, and enforcement of the duty prefcribed. z. The next thing we meet withal in the words, is; the perlons to whom duty this is prefcribed ; and that is exprefled in the word ye, üs the original included in the verb, sxra l c if ye mortify; that is, ye believers; ye to whom there duo candenination, v. r. ye that are not in the flefb, but in the 'fpirit, v. y. whoare quicknedby thefpirit ofChilli, v. to, I. to you is this duty prefcribed; and this defeription of the perfons, in conjurfdon with the prefcription of the duty, is the main foundationof the enfuing difcourfe, as it lyes in the thefts or propofition.. The choiceff believers, who are affuredly freed from the condemning power of Tin, ought yet tomake it their buunefs, ail their days, to mortify the indwelling power of fin. 3. The principal efficient caufe of theperformance of this duty, is the fpirit; F -5 *rívi.lt, if by the fpirit. The fpirit here is the fpirit mentioned, v. 1 i. the fpi- rit of Chriff, the fpiritof God, that dwells in to, ai. g. that quickens vas, v. r 1. the Holy Gboff, v. 04. the fpirit ofadoption, v. 15. the fpirit that maketh interceffïanfor see, V. a6. All other ways ofmortification are vain, ail:helps leave us helplefs, it mull be done by the fpirit. Men, as. the apoffle intimates, Rom. ix. 3o, 3 1. may attempt this work t bn other principles, by means and advantages adminiflred on other accounts, as they always have done, and do ; but, faiths he, this is the workof the fpirit, by him alone is it to be wrought, andby no other power is it to be brought about. And this is a fecond principleof my enfuingdifcourfe. 4. The duty itfelf, Mortify the deeds of the body, is neatly to be remarked. Three things are Isere to be enquired into, (i.) What is meant by the body. (i.) What by the deed, of the body. (3.) What bymortifying of them. in the be mníh (t.) The body, in the elofe of the verfe, is the fame with the fief g g. Ifye liveafter thefllefhyefhall die, butifye mart f y thedeeds ofthe body,that rs,cf thefiefh. It is that which the apoflle hash ail along difcourfedof, under ehenameof the flefh, which is evident from the profecutionof theAntithelisbetween thefpirit and theBelli, before and