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f SIN Z9Z LELIEVERS. 7 There are two evils which certainly attend every unmortify'd profeffor: the firß in himfelf, the other in refpefk ofothers. (r.) Inhimfelf: Let him pretend what he will, he hash flight thoughts of fin ; at leafi offins of daily infirmity. The root ofan unmortify'd courfe, is the digehion of fin withoutbitternefs in the heart. When a man bath confirmed his imagination to fuck an apprehenfionofgrace andmercy, as to be able without bitternefs to fwal- low and digit daily fins, that man is at the sery brink of turningthe graceof God into lafcivioufnefs, and being hardenedby the deceitfulnefsof fin. Neither is there a greater evidence ofa falfe and rotten heart in the world, than to drivefuck a trade. To ufe the blood of Chriff, which is given tocleanfe us, a Yoh. ì. 7. 7T ü. rq. the ex- siltation of Chrill, which is to give us repentance, Ail. v. 3 r. the doéhine of grace, which teaches us to deny all ungodlioefs, Tir. ii. so, i5. to countenance fin is a re- bellion, that in the iffue will break thebones. (a.) To others. It kath an evil influence on them, on a twofold account, [r.] Ir hardens them, by begetting in them a perfuafion that they are in as good condition as the bell profelfors. Whatever they fee in them, is fo Rained for want of this mortification, that it is of no value with them: they haveä zeal for religion, but it is accompanied with want of forbearance, and univerfal righteoufnefs. They deny prodigality, but with worldlinefs they feparate from the world, but live wholly to themfelves, taking no care to exercife loving kindnefs in the earth: or they talk fpiritually, and live vainly; mention communion with God, and are every way con- formed to the world, backingof forgivenefs of fin, and never forgiving others : and with fuck confederations do poor creatuFes.harden their hearts in their unregene- rac [3z.] They deceive them in making them believe, that if they can come up to their condition, it £hall be well with them: and fo it grows an eafy thing, to have the greai temptation of repute in religion to wrefle withal : when they may go far be- yond them, as to what appears in them, and yet come fhort of eternal life ; but of thefe things, and all the evilsóf unmortify'd walking, afterwards. 1.ïíG.ïi,L:çG:Cai(1R7f,A5, Y., 551t5&_G.52;.Gay.S( #a]Ge]1::7CzEMe9CU:7Cze7L':lic5t::ltc`G:li SC.'JPeyC:e3C:e9Gii: CHAP.411kI. Thefecond general principle of the means ofmortification pr000fedto confir- mation. Thefpirit theonly author ofthis work. Vanity ofpope., morti- fication difeovered. Many'means ofit ufedby them not appointed ofGod. Thofe appointed by him,abufed. The miflakes ofothers in this bufinefs. The fpirit ispromifed believers for this work, Ezek. i. 19. chap. xxxvi. 26. All that we receivefrom Chrifi, is by the fpirit. Hot., the fpirit mortifiesfin, Gal. v. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Thefeveral ways of bis opera- tions to this endpropofed. How his work, and our duty. H E next principle relates to the great fovereign taufe ofthe mortifica- tion treated of, which, in the words laid for the foundation of this difcourfe, is Paid, to be the Spirit; that is, the holy Ghoft, as was e- vinced. He only is fufñcient for [his work; all ways and. means without him are as a thing ofnought; and he is the greatèH cieet of. it, he works in us as he pleafes. i. In vain do men leek other remedies, they (hall not be healed by them. What 4 feveral ways have beenprefcribed for this; to havefm mortifiedis (mown. Thegreat- ef part of popifh religion, ofthat which looks molt like religion in their protelfion, cones inmiftaken ways and meansof mortification. This is the pretence of their rough garments, whereby they deceive: Their vows, orders, fallings, penances, aro a}I