Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

in $ELIÈVÉR$. ár E.E03 i (4) k;2C FOX7ÈfkiYi c 73 ?3Xttt3 é 7 l3 ,,,,,,A2r,m32,:nFrx.v114 CHAP VIII. Thefecoed generalrule propofed, Without univerfir fincerity for the mortify. of every luf, no lull will be mortified. Partial mortification always from a corrupt principle. Perplexity of temptation from a Bell, oftentimes a chaflening for other negligences. aOw Ii E record principle, which to this pr rpo e I lhall propofe is this Without fincerity and diligence an uuivcriality or obedience; T 'there is no mortificationof any one p pt': i'g lufr to b obtained, r,F, ,, ,,,G5 The other was to the perfon, this to the tiring itfelf. I Mall a little Et.%)Ct m. explain this pofrtion. Aman finds any luft to bring him into else condition formerly defcribed, it is powerful, firong, tumultuating, leads captive, vexes, di&laiets, takes away peace; he is. not able to bear it, wherefore he lets hias fell again-Fr it, prays againft it, groans under it, fighs to be delivered; but in the crap time, perhaps in other duties, in confiant communionwith God, in reading, .prayer and meditation, in other ways that, are not of the fame. kind with the lair wherewith he is troubled, he is bofeand negligent, let not that man think that everhe (hall arrive to the mor- tification of the tuft he is perplexed withal. This is a condition that not feldom befits men in their pilgrimage. The Ifraeíires under a feafe of their fin drew nigh to God with much diligence and earneftnefs, with lifting and prayer, Ifai. Ivrii. many expreffions are ináde of their earreftnefs in the work, v. 2. 'hey feel me daily; and delight to know my wayr they ark of me the crdinances ofjmice; they rake delight in approaching unto God. But God rejects all; their fair is a remedy that will not heal them, and the teafon given of it, v. g, 6, 7. is, becaufe they were particular in this duty. Theyattended diligently to that, but in others werenegligent and care- left. He that hath a runningfore (it is the fcripture expreffion) upon him, orifing from an ill habit of body, contraled by intemperance and ill diet ; let hi apply 1 himfelfwith what diligence andskill he can, to the cure of his fore, if he leave thegeneral habit of his bodyunder diftempers;his labour and travail will be in vain. Sowill his attempts be, that Ihall endeavour to flop a bloody ;true of fn; and filth 'in his foul, and is not equally careful of his univerfal fpiritual temperature, and conftitution. For, r. This kind of endeavour for mortification, proceeds from a corrupt principle, ground, and foundation, fothat itwill never proceed toa good iffue. The true and acceptable principlesof mortification fhall be afterward infifted on. Hatred of fin, as fin, not only as. galling or difquieting,a fenfè of the love of Chris in the crofs, lies at the bottom of all truefpiritual mortification. Now it is certain, that, that which I fpeak of proceeds from felf-love. Thou fetteft thy felt with all diligence and earneftnefs tomortify fuck a lait or fin ; What is the reafon of it? It difquiets . thee, it bath taken away thy eaee, it fills thy heart with forrow, and trouble, and fear ; thou haft no refs becaufeof it ; yea but, friend, thou haft rieglefled prayeror reading, thouhaft been vainand lode in thyconverfation inother things, that have notbeenof the fame nature with that tuft, wherewith thou art perplexed; thefe are no lets fins andtevils, than thefe under which thougroaneft ; JefusChrift bled forthem -alto. Why daft thou not fet thy felf againft them alto? If thou hateft furas fin, every evil way, thouwouldit be no lets watchful againft every thing that, grieves and difquiets the Spirit of God, than againft that, which grievesand difquiets thine own foul. It is evident that thou contendefl againft fin, merely becaufeof thy own trouble by it. Would thy confcience be quiet under it, thou wouldfl letit alone. Didit not difquiet thee; it fhould nothe. difquietedby thee. Now, cane thou think that Godwill fet in with fuch hypocritical endeavours, that ever his Spirit willbear witnefs