Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

f SIN in IIELI$VÉI{S. MgfiEMEMx22REKY.gEitMMMM.MROEMEME9EMEMffi,MON5NP' I311c1i1¿3 Yt t..Zrgr.'rt fflt02Mitffi92'7911MENN.ctffiNMMMMMffer2MRiM1MNMERA CHAR IX. Particular dire8ions in relation to the foregoing cafe propofed. Firit, Con- fider the dangerousfymptoms of any luf. I. Inveteratenefs. 2. Peace ob'. tamed under it i thefevered ways whereby that is done. 3: Frequency of fzeccefs in itsfeduElions. 4. Thefoul's fighting againlf it, with arguments only taken from the event. 5. Its being attended with judiciarj hardnefs. 6. Its withflanding particular dealings' from God. The /fate of perfons in whom thefe things arefound. F kH E foregoing general rules being fuppofid, particular dire&ion's ,34* i to the foul, for its guidance under the fenfe of a difquieting luft ar or d ftemper, being the main thing I aids at, come next to be pro- pofed. row of there fame are previous and preparatory, and in 3 ^ forne of them the work itfelf is contained. -' Of the firft fort are drteti'ViD theft enfuing. ***gm* r. Confider what dangerous fyniptonis thy lust bath attending or accompanying it. Whether it bath any deadly- mark on it or no, if it bath, extraordinary remedies are to be ufed; an ordinary courfé of mortification will not do it. You *ill fay, what are thefe dangerous marks and fymptoensi the défperaté at tendencds of an indwelling luft that you intend? Sonic of them I flail name, (r.) Inveteratenefs ; if it hath lain long corrupting in thy heart, if thou haft fuffered it to abide in power and preCalency, without attempting vigóroufly the killingof it and thehealing of the wounds thou haft received by it, for fame long feafon, thy difteniper is dangerous. Haft thou permittedworldlinefs, ambition, greedinefs of lady, to eat up other duties; the duties wherein thou oughteft Lb hold confiant communionwith God, for borne long feafon? or unclean efs, to de- file thy heart, with vain and foolifh and wicked imaginations, for many days? Thy tuft hath a dangerous fymptom. So was the cafe with David, Pfal. xxxviii. S. My mound: food and are corrupt beeaüfe of my foolif{mefe. When a luft bath lain long in the heart, corrupting, fettering, cankring, it brings the foul to a woful con- dition. In Inch a cafe an ordinary cóurfe dl-humiliation will not do the work, un- defs fome extraordinary cdurfe be taken, filch a pérfon hath no ground in the world to expert that his latter end Hall be peace. For, [n.] How will he be able todiftinguilh between the long abode of an unmorti- fiedluft, and the dominion Of fin, which cannot befal a regenerate perfon? [a.] How can he promife hizüfelf, that it lhall ever be otherwife with him, or that his luft will ceafe tumultuating and feducing, when he fees it fixed- and abid- ing, and hath done fo for many days, and -bath gone through variety of conditi- ons with him? Old neglected wounds are often mortal, always dangerous. Indwel- ling diftempers grow tufty, and ftubborn, by Continuance in cafe and quiet. Luft is fach an inmate, as if it can plead time and foam prefcription, will not eafily be ejected. As it never dies Of itsOf, fo if it be not daily killed, it Will always gather ftrength. (z.) Secret pleas of the heart for the Countenancing of itfelf, and keepingup its peace, notwithftanding the abiding of a luft, without a vigorous Gofpel attempt for its mortification, is another dangerous fymptom of a'deadly diftemper in the heart. How there be fèveral ways whereby this may be done, I (hall name force of them. As, [al When