f SIN tI4'BELÍÉVÉRs. a 7 this be bad, yet it is not fo bad, as fuck, and filch an evil. Innumerable ways there are, whereby fin diverts the mind from a right and due apprehenfron of its guilt. Its noifom exhalations darken the mind, that it cannot make a right judg- ment of things. The prophet tells us, that lull will do thus wholly, when it comes to the height, Hof. iv. I I. Whoredom and wineand new mine takeaway the heart, the heart, the underftanding, as it is 'often ufèd in the fcripturlg. And as they accomplifh this work to the height in unregenerate perfons, fo in part in regene- rate alfo. Solomon tells you of him who was enticed by the lewd woman, that he was among the Pimple ones, he was a young man void of unde>flandi g, Prov. 7. And wherein did his folly appear? Why fags he, in the z3d v. lie keno oar that it wad for his life; he conk ered not the guilt of the evil that he was involved in. And the Lord rendring a reafon why his dealings with Ephraim took no better effe&, gives this account, Ephraim ar like a filly dove, without heart, Hof. vii. II. had no underftanding of his own miferable condition. This is the proper iffue of lull in the heart, it darkens the mind that it (hall not judge aright of its guilt, and many other ways it hath for itsown extenuation, that I !hall not now infifl on. Let this then be the firlt care of him that would mortify fin, to fix a right judgment of its guilt in his mind. To which end take thefe conftderations to thy afBftance. (I.) Though the power of fin be weakened by inherent grace, in them that have it, that fin {Ilan not have dominion over them, as rt hath over others, yet the guilt of fin that doth yet abide and remain, is aggravated and height- ned by it, Rom. vi. r, 2. What /hall ere jay then? Shall me continue in fm that grace may abound? Godforbid, how Ad me that are dead to f live any longer therein? Hose fhall we that are dead; the emphafis is on the word We. How {hall we do fo, who as he afterwards defcribes; have received grace from Chrift to the contra- ry ? We doubtlefs are more evil then any, if we do it. I {hall not Infift on the fpecial aggravations of the fins of fuck perfons how they fm againft more love,, mercy, grace, aifi{lance, relief, means, and deliverances, than others. But let this c'onfideration abide in thy mind: there is inconceivably more evil andguilt in the evil of thy heart, that cloth remain, thus if than hadft no grace at all. Obferve, (2.) That as God fees abundance of beauty and excellency in the defires of the heart of his fervants, more than in any the molt glorious works ofother men, yea more than in moil of their own outward performances, which have a greatermixture of fin, than the defires and pantings of grace in the heart have, fo God fees a great deal of evil in the working of luft in their hearts, yea and more than in the open, notorious ails of wicked men, or in many outward fans whereinto the Saints may fall, feeing againfi them there is more oppofition made, and more humiliation generally fellows them. Thus Chrift, dealing with his decaying Children, goes to the root with them; lays afide theirprofe{fion, Rev. iii. 15. I know thee, thou art quite another thing than thou profeffeft, and this makes thee abominable. So then; let thefe things and the like confiderations lead thee to a clear lbnib of the guilt of thy indwelling luft, that there may be no room in thy heart for extenuating, or excufing thoughts, whereby fm infenfibly will get ftrength and prevail. 2. Confider the danger of it, which is manifold. (I.) Of beinghardenedby its deceitfulnefs, this the apoflle forely charges on the Hebrews, chap. iii. as, 13. Take heed, brethren, 1 fl there be in any ofyouan evil heart of unbelief, in departingfrom the living Gad, but .exhort one another daily, while it is called to day, leaf? any ofyou be hardened through the deeeitfuln offin. Take heed, faith he, ufe all means, confider your Temptations, watch diligently, there is a treachery, a deceit in fin, that tends to the hardening of your hearts from the fear of God. The hardening here mentioned is to the utmoft; utter obdu- ration, fm tendsto it, and every diftemperand tuft willmake at leali fume pregrefs towards it. Thou that waft tender, and didit ufe to melt under the word, under t al tiaions,wilt growas fume have profanely fpoken,fermonproof'and ficknefs proof; thou that did'ft tremble at the prefence of God, thoughts of death, and appea- rance before him, whenthou hadft moreaffurance of his love than now thou haft, !halt