30 Tl7e MORTIFICATIO ìv not be honoured with any fuccefs, or doing any work for God; and the like may be fpoken of other conditions. This then is my dire£tion, and it regards the oppofition that is to be made to lull, in refpe& of its habitual refidence in the fiml; keep alive upon thy heart, thefe or the like confiderations of its guilt, danger, and evil; be much in the meditation of thefe things. Caufe thy heart to dwell a:.d abide upon them. Ingage thy thoughts into thefe confideratious, let them not go off, nor wander from them, until they begin to have a powerful influence upon thy foul; until they make it to tremble. L'e0,3kM{-VVrE.33kE$3ßC7?k318ZYVA-11kMY1 g Yk'ZWg*1 5'Z EtV'eftti-.s:34-e6Y, EKOWt'iti23:6Wt.;.r fts CHAP XI. The third direction propofed. Load thy confcience with the Quilt of the per- plexing diflemper. The ways and means whereby that may be done. The fourth direaion. Vehement dfre for deliverance. The fifth. Some dillempers rooted deeply in mens natural tempers. Confiderations offish difiempers, ways of dealing with them. The fixth dìref(ion. Ocrafi- ons and advantages of fin to be prevented. The feventh direflion, The firfl allings offin vigarmußy to be oppofd. HIS is my third dire£ìion. Load thy confcience with the guilt of it. Not only confider T that it hath a gu lt, but load thy confcience with the guilt of its. E qty atonal eruptions and difturbances. Ofx l GlG For the right improvement of this rule, I limit give fcnnc par-, titular dire&ions. i. Take God's method in it, and begin with generals, and fo defce:d to. particulars. (r.) Charge thy confcience with that guilt which appears in its from the reftitude and holinefs of the law. Bring the holy law. of God into thy contin- ence, lay thy corruption to it ; pray that tisoú mayft he affz£ted with it, Confider the holiuefs, fpirituality, fiery feverity, inwardnef, ahfolutenefs of the law ; and fee how thou canft Rand before it. Be much, I fay, in aifef- ing thy confcience with the terrour of the Lord in the law, and how righte- ous it is, that every one of thy tranfgreffions fhould receive a recompencé of reward. Perhaps thy confcience will invent flats and evafions to keep off the power of this confrderation, as that the condemning power of the law Both not belong to thee, thou art fet free from it, and the like ; and fo though thou be not conformable to if, yet thou needeft not to be fo much troubled' at it. But, [r.] Tell thy confcience, that it cannot mirage any evidence to the par pole, that thou art free from the condemning power of fin, whilft thy umnor- tilted tuft lies he thy heart ; fo that perhaps the law may make feel its plea